SusurrusParadox: Quelle fucking surprise.
Transphobic bullshit, again, from 'pro-GG' individuals.
(And.. nothing but support from other pro-GG users in this thread.
I am just
shocked. /sarc. )
Might be worth noting that making personal attacks on the basis of gender and deliberately misgendering people is ad hominem and does not actually help any argument at all ever.
(Bonus: Intersex people exist, genitalia does not necessarily match neurology, and there are many things that were previously considered disorders that are now considered to be a part of natural non-harmful human variance.
The harm currently comes from repulsive bigoted pieces of shit that create unsafe environments for transgender people via their ignorance/prejudice/malice, resulting in a disproportionately high rate of abuse/violence towards trans people.)
Frankly, I'd prefer such awful shitstains (those espousing the archaic and distinctly Western/European notion of a sex/gender binary & lashing out at those that 'violate' it) be burned from existence, but I'll settle for hoping that y'all can read & process information & go do research on how their existence does not actually harm yours in any way so you should stop being an ass.
(Also the current & historical data supporting that people have defied the mythical gender binary in many places at many times, and in some cases were quite happily accepted by the relevant culture.)
Oh yeah, and I'm pretty sure the concept of trigger warnings was covered earlier and the existence of people with PTSD, phobias, etc. that could really use such things was already highlighted.
Also, I mean, it's just polite in general to warn people of things that might hurt them.
'Beware of Dog' and all that. Or 'Danger: High Voltage'. Or 'This Thread Contains Gamergaters That Insist Trans People Are Just Mentally Ill'.
What I'm saying here is:
Check your shit and try some self-reflection/self-criticism afore you spout off.
Transphobic is a thing? Are you sure you don't mean SJW trans folk are entitled beyond description and people hate them for being entitled rather than being trans? Either way, its a phobia so its best to shout TRIGGER WARNING : TRANS PERSON POSTING so people don't get PTSD right?
And misinterpreting one person's OPINION to be the base-beliefs of one semi-cohesive group helps so much right?
As said before, surgery cannot alter chromosomes and calling someone with an XY a female isn't very accurate scientifically. Either way, its my OPINION that people can have the surgery to change their outward sexual characteristics if they want to but scientifically, XX=female and XY=male and no ''transphobia'' will change it.
Yeah; history is always boring oppression of women until gender comes along isn't it? As an aficionado of the discipline, I feel ashamed how some skrillex headed dimwits are using history as some sort of weapon to get $$$. People were burned once for having beliefs different from the mandated safe ones. The people doing it were called the Inqusition. You should look into them. Really friendly folks.
Covered or not; trigger warnings are stupid. They are terms used by people from echochambers to describe stuff that is mentally disturbing to them after their time in bubble has taught them not to accept anything other than what their mothership has pumped into them. They use their mental incapability to deal with others opinions as a mask for REAL DISORDERS and profiteer off people who have them by self diagnosing themselves with it. I'm not much for hell, but that is some bad karma they'll have to pay for :P