Shadowstalker16: You still seem to willfully or otherwise ignore the motives of gamergate. Everyone here has accepted that you are debating because you want better ''minority'' representation and like stuff in gaming. It is acknowledged. Criticisms we posted are related gamergate because the group criticizing gamergate is social justice, and social justice activities are being observed in many fields.
What you are doing is CREATING a connection that does not exist between gamergate and religious extremist groups; either to make other people feel GG as less credible; or to make yourself more convinced you're on the right side because you somehow believe conservative Christianity is related gamergate.
The point is; would an SJW shown a game with mature themes want to censor it? Or in the very least mis-represent its content to gain moral highh-ground? YES
Will a gater or proGG person shown gay marriage oppose it? Most likely not. I know I don't; and I know most people on the internet or alive today who has / had access to a good teacher don't / won't. And it seems even then, these social justice types wanna brand someone as placetaghere and then do nothing.
Anyhow; since we're on the topic; do YOU believe in ''micro aggressions'' and ''rape CULTure'' and ''patriarchy''?

Fever_Discordia: Well I guess I wasn't trying to group GG with Christian extremism so much as posting articles where the principles of social justice (gay rights) are shown in a positive light as a counter to your 'PC Thought Police' articles as a reminder that there is genuine positive change going on in the world
Not that I'm saying that SJWs can give themselves a pat on the back for making gay marriage a thing and ignore the actual gay people who have won the victory but it IS a victory for social justice as a concept, straight SJWs would march with gay gay rights activist and being gay and an SJW are far from mutually exclusive states of being
To your questions though
"micro aggression' is a stupid buzzword (phrase I guess) - I wish people would keep coming up with these things!
In regard to the article itself, meh, the university has a right to inform and educate about what the official party line / corporate mission statement / whatever is BUT it will depend on how they enforce that - if they go around acting like fascists to anyone who goes 'off message' then, yeah, that's bad but it hasn't happened yet - lets wait and see if it's really something they want to enforce with an iron fist or if it's just a bunch of hot air about what they ideally want but doesn't really mean anything
"rape CULTure" - LOL I see what you did there, so clever! -_- firstly feminist accuse society of having a rape culture and you turn that around and claim that the only rape culture is in their heads - that the rape culture is theirs, which isn't a nice way to debate things.
You post a lot of things about 'stare rape' and 'man spreading rape' and 'saying hello in the morning rape' which is clearly the worst kind of bullshit that is very unhelpful to the debate and downgrades the seriousness of rape as a concept
But I guess I remain unconvinced that the people saying things like that aren't fringe 'radfem' nutjobs, the kind of 'feminists' who are against male to female transexuals on the grounds that it's males trying to invade the female space or whatever crazy shit is going on in their minds
I guess the core argument that we spend far more time 'educating' our young women about the dangers of rape, how to avoid rape and generally breeding fear and paranoia in their minds than the time we spend educating young men not to rape, how to control themselves and have enough respect and empathy to not want to do horrible things like that is still a very valid argument - that kind of fear can be paralysing and controlling and places the onus to not rape in the wrong place.
I also didn't like 'Gone Girl' because *SPOILERS* the main female character just seems like a MRAs wet nightmare of the scheming 'false flag' rape claimer for personal benefit. Now, I wish I lived in a world where that kind of character could just be an interesting twist on the sociopathic antagonist but, in our less than perfect world, it's too politically charged for me - I think there's far, far more genuine rapes not being taken seriously than false rape claims in the world (I'm not denying they DO exist though) so the film is pushing in the wrong direction and playing on the wrong fears. It surprised me that I had that reaction, to be honest though, I'm not sure I would have thought about the film in those terms in the past...
Undoubtedly, since the days of women's suffrage in the late 19th century women's right have come a long way but, no I don't think the race is over and the finish line has been crossed quite yet, a lot of the stuff left is quite subtle and insidious like attitudes to rape as I've already said or this piece about Kate Burley's interview being complained about while males counterparts like Paxman are praised for the same confrontational style: I think there's still much debate to be had and positive change to be made, but, yes, MacIntosh et al often go too far and can be too extremist for my tastes, if that's what you're getting at
Teach men not to reape? Most sane humans don't rape, and those who do are not humans you can reason with, not to mention that females rape males almost at the same rate, but nobody says anything about teaching women not to rape. Sorry but rapists won't stop just because you tell them rape is bad, it is up to the sane people to protect each other from them.