SeduceMePlz: Spider-Woman's Big Ass is a Big Deal! I love the "cake" of the argument - multiple justifications need to be made to argue against it.
At the very core there the implicit "and that's awful". The thing doesn't take off without it, yet it's usually avoided, because it immediately begs the question:
"- This depiction is awful.
- Why?
- Because some people can find it sexy.
- And if they find it sexy...?
- ...then this depiction is awful!"
That's the "sexy is sexist" idiocy...
The only things worse is the "12-year-old boys" argument, which is heteronormative, implies that exclusively and overwhelmingly such a group would be interested in seeing something. No research goes into this, neither into determining what 12-year-olds like on average, nor into what the demographics in favor of something are like, nor into what the audience of a given medium thinks. It's just a simple "That's not MY fetish, so let's insult everyone who finds this attractive". The kicker? It's implicitly assumed that being a 12-year-old boy is A BAD THING, something to be ashamed of. This goes hand in hand with "immaturity" arguments - people usually don't seem to have a clear-cut distinction of what is "mature" and what isn't, but it's a last-resort sort of insult. If everything else fails - just call someone immature. There is no possible defense against that one, since it's vague to begin with.
Of course - there's the amazing conundrum of depicting a female character. You have a superhero what can scale buildings? Oh shit, you'd better not depict a female version crawling, 'cause some people might find that inappropriate.
Better still - this is the Kerrigan conundrum all over again. She gets shown from behind, as a faceless menace that rules the Koprulu sector with an iron fist? Lololol - DAT ASS :D! You show her from the front? Ermergherd - breasts 8O! You try to somehow avoid both? Well - now you're just showing off BOTH! You just can't win.
Oh - to anyone scratching their heads - Rock Paper Social Justice once ran a screenshot series that focused on Kerrigan's ass. You know - from cutscenes of a Real Time Strategy game. The depicted one of the strongest characters in the Starcraft universe. Mostly transformed, trans-human, "more than man". Nah - the screenshots were supposed to speak for themselves. That they did - they told me something about RPS and the crew that ran it...