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dragonbeast: the same hypersensitivity that turned:

females are mortal in this game & can be shot with guns


This game encourages the player to violently murder women. It then allows and encourages you to mutilate and abuse the corpse. This is clearly and carefully constructed to promote abuse of women and create a rape culture in which women are only sexual objects.
Fever_Discordia: GTA again?
You act like 'Use a prostitute and kill her to get your money back' isn't even a thing
Even the main GTA fan wiki admits it's a thing:

"Prostitutes can raise your health to more than 100% in the 3D Universe. Players must pay for their services. However, you can kill the hooker and take your money back when you're finished - probably the in-game situation most commonly cited by critics of GTA's violence/immorality."

Personally I think Rockstar should troll them in the next one by just having the prostitute walk off and 'de-spawning' afterwards in cut-scene or even just have them all go cashless, with a 'she whips out a point-of-sale device' cut-scene!

As I say, as much as I love GTA I've always found that whole thing a bit of an embarrassment TBH...

Wait, they raise you health to OVER 100%? Now even I'm incentived to 'use' them...
(they can keep the cash though, I'm not a monster!)
By that understanding; if killing prostitutes in game makes you a monster; you are encouraging rape when you watch GoT.
Fever_Discordia: snip
We're just talking, I'm the one that finds it weird, hence the questions. Thanks for replying. ;)
Do you think it's weird someone would not feel like you do? Or are they monsters instead of weird?

Now movies aren't games, in a movie player agency is non existent... still I have two follow up questions:
1 - what shocks you about that? It's in context a super normal thing, at least GTA is thematically an asshole fantasy, you kill anyone regardless of them being in the way... I rem the first GTA and the Hare Krishna lines... what fun those were...
2 - what makes someone a monster if they game that mechanic? Oh, sorry, that's not a follow up, just repeating myself... You kind of didn't answer :) and it's such interesting word choice.
RWarehall: snip

... Frankly, assigning such life-giving properties to prostitutes doesn't sound very misogynistic to me. About the best you can do is suggest the game puts visiting a prostitute in a rather good light....

Isn't there a song about Sexual Healing? It's historical, like a return to holy women healers! It's matriarchal propaganda! Burn the witches! :) O_o ;)

Seriously now, a bit of perspective does wonders huh? Blinders and intolerance kind of prevent diversity. It's like all animals are unique snowflakes, just some are less diverse than others, to paraphrase Orwell.
RWarehall: snip

... Frankly, assigning such life-giving properties to prostitutes doesn't sound very misogynistic to me. About the best you can do is suggest the game puts visiting a prostitute in a rather good light....

Brasas: Isn't there a song about Sexual Healing? It's historical, like a return to holy women healers! It's matriarchal propaganda! Burn the witches! :) O_o ;)

Seriously now, a bit of perspective does wonders huh? Blinders and intolerance kind of prevent diversity. It's like all animals are unique snowflakes, just some are less diverse than others, to paraphrase Orwell.
It was more a flippant remark. The point being, I think there is at least room to debate that particular mechanic and it's merits or detriments. Obviously its not "misogynistic" but I can see a healthy debate about sexism. Whether its wise to encourage such action with it being a helpful game mechanic given the prevalence of STDs, etc.

Meanwhile I find the concept that claiming the game as a whole is "sickening" or "disgusting" or "misogynistic" based on a cherry-picked example with emotional arguments about this one particular NPC type (neglecting all the other diverse characters that can be killed in the game) to be a bit dishonest.
RWarehall: snip
I know it was flippant, just it kinda hit a bullseye if you squint your eyes just... like... this... :D
I actually think the magic hookers were there since the original GTA... but it's years since I played that.
low rated
Fever_Discordia: snip
Brasas: We're just talking, I'm the one that finds it weird, hence the questions. Thanks for replying. ;)
Do you think it's weird someone would not feel like you do? Or are they monsters instead of weird?

Now movies aren't games, in a movie player agency is non existent... still I have two follow up questions:
1 - what shocks you about that? It's in context a super normal thing, at least GTA is thematically an asshole fantasy, you kill anyone regardless of them being in the way... I rem the first GTA and the Hare Krishna lines... what fun those were...
2 - what makes someone a monster if they game that mechanic? Oh, sorry, that's not a follow up, just repeating myself... You kind of didn't answer :) and it's such interesting word choice.
You guys are reading WAY too much into that whole 'I'm not a monster' thing, it was just a jokey throw-away sign-of to an afterthought paragraph added at the last second I say 'I'm not a monster' a lot in real life, its just one of my things! I don't tend to roleplay evil / darkside much though, I must admit, I do feel bad about things pretty easily!

I think context is a major issue here, I like Family Guy but sometimes, when I'm giving a plot synopses to someone I stop myself part way though and think "Wow this actually sounds pretty fucked up" and back when I was at school, debating 7pm soap-opera 'Eastenders' one time I managed to make it sound like some adult 'Sopranos'-like show without having to exaggerate anything!

Sure there's other messed up things you end up doing in GTA like when someone fights back when you go to carjack them and you end up running them over with their own car, but picking up and murdering prostitutes has been a staple of the most infamous serial killer MOs from Jack The Ripper to, say this guy:

so when someone hears 'there's this game where you are encouraged to use prostitutes and there's an in-game advantage to murdering them afterwards' out of context I'm really not surprised that these petitions get started, I do think that guys that think its cool or hilarious to do that are kinda dicks too
'Kinda dicks' =! potential sexual predator serial killers though, admittedly!

BTW @Dragonbeast - Hitman? Oh RIGHT! LOL!
RWarehall: snip
Brasas: I know it was flippant, just it kinda hit a bullseye if you squint your eyes just... like... this... :D
I actually think the magic hookers were there since the original GTA... but it's years since I played that.
The GTA wiki said they were added in GTA 3 when it went 3D, I can't remember them from the 2D ones...
Brasas: Isn't there a song about Sexual Healing? It's historical, like a return to holy women healers! It's matriarchal propaganda! Burn the witches! :) O_o ;)

Seriously now, a bit of perspective does wonders huh? Blinders and intolerance kind of prevent diversity. It's like all animals are unique snowflakes, just some are less diverse than others, to paraphrase Orwell.
RWarehall: It was more a flippant remark. The point being, I think there is at least room to debate that particular mechanic and it's merits or detriments. Obviously its not "misogynistic" but I can see a healthy debate about sexism. Whether its wise to encourage such action with it being a helpful game mechanic given the prevalence of STDs, etc.

Meanwhile I find the concept that claiming the game as a whole is "sickening" or "disgusting" or "misogynistic" based on a cherry-picked example with emotional arguments about this one particular NPC type (neglecting all the other diverse characters that can be killed in the game) to be a bit dishonest.
Meh but, if we believe this woman IS a 'survivor of violence' and has been a prostitute, porn star or other kind of sex worker, as seems to be hinted is it... not the SAME but on a similar spectrum to if a game had a super hidden Easter egg room where you could wear an SS uniform and parade, goose-stepping up and down and not expect a holocaust survivor to get upset?
Aren't you a bit "Well I don't know why you're focusing on THAT, there's plenty of other uniforms of totalitarian regimes that are right out in the open in this game, this ones hidden and you can't even hurt anyone while you're wearing it"?
Post edited March 27, 2015 by Fever_Discordia
low rated
Fever_Discordia: snip
Brasas: We're just talking, I'm the one that finds it weird, hence the questions. Thanks for replying. ;)
Do you think it's weird someone would not feel like you do? Or are they monsters instead of weird?

Now movies aren't games, in a movie player agency is non existent... still I have two follow up questions:
1 - what shocks you about that? It's in context a super normal thing, at least GTA is thematically an asshole fantasy, you kill anyone regardless of them being in the way... I rem the first GTA and the Hare Krishna lines... what fun those were...
Hmm yeah, the early 2D ones as well - there's probably something there to be said about the AAA games industry constantly trying to make graphics and game environments ever more realistic - how real can a violent act look before you have to look away?
Is part of the popularity of the indie scene a sign that some gamers miss games looking like games and not real life and being that bit divorced from reality?
Even if she is...which I tend to doubt because it seems awfully convenient...

Let's say a holocaust survivor wants every German citizen to be shot and killed or punished in whatever way (with no care whether they are personally guilty or not). Just because one person is hurt does not give them the right to go out and hurt others for their cause with no regard of truth or justice.

Two wrongs do not make a right. She deserves no support for distorting the truth. Do not confuse sympathy with justice.

For dozens of years, social justice advocates have been trying to find the smoking gun proving art, music, television or even video games influences behavior and for as many years they have failed to find such a link. Yet time and time again, they act as though its proven fact.

The PMRC run by Washington wives started a holy crusade blaming music for suicides. Made false claims that Ozzy Osbourne encouraged teenage suicides with his song Suicide Solution (which incidentally does not and is in fact a song about how alcohol abuse is a "suicide solution"). This did not stop them and with the power and monetary influence of Washington, they tried feverishly to prove such links. The made lists of every teenage suicide pointing out the music they listened to in order to mislead the public in believing such a link. They used their influence to ban certain bands from performing in the United States (the band Venom was denied a VISA on the grounds that their music had no artistic merit). While wanting to go after the big record labels and people like Ozzy Osbourne, they instead chose to go to court against a small indie record label, calling the cover of the album pornographic despite being a print of the Swiss surrealist H.R. Giger and taking them to court. While the small label "won", the court case bankrupt them. Yup. American justice...

To sum up, no, just because someone claims to be hurt, is still no excuse for lying or pandering; misleading and distorting. While you may be sympathetic with their past suffering (if true given how so many are willing to exaggerate for their causes these days), it does not make it okay.
Post edited March 27, 2015 by RWarehall
Fever_Discordia: snip
Great. Compare methodologies:
1- Me: Are you implying I'm a monster? You: No, that was a misunderstanding.
2 - Me: This is misogynist! Problematic! Patriarchy! You: O_o ??

One of those 'me' is more of a douche than the other ;) Of course one of those isn't actually me...

On your point re Indies return to arcade and casual gameplay, I think I mentioned it somewhere, and we probably disagree only marginally.
I see that trend as going away from photorealistic due to economics. Nothing more.
I also see that as a subconscious revolt against narrative dominance in games in the past decades. In that sense the indie explosion, usually seen as allied with the social justice crowd, is actually subverting their ideological goals.
Interview with John Bain about harassment, death threats, being offered free stuff for reviews, etc...
low rated
Fever_Discordia: snip a super hidden Easter egg room where you could wear an SS uniform and parade, goose-stepping up and down and not expect a holocaust survivor to get upset?
faark mate how did you manage to shoe horn that in to it all
low rated
Fever_Discordia: snip a super hidden Easter egg room where you could wear an SS uniform and parade, goose-stepping up and down and not expect a holocaust survivor to get upset?
soxy_lady: faark mate how did you manage to shoe horn that in to it all
Godwin's Law, init?
soxy_lady: faark mate how did you manage to shoe horn that in to it all
Fever_Discordia: *shrugs*
Godwin's Law, init?
yeah - Godwin's Law - thats great

that was floating around somewhere in the background as i read it
RWarehall: As to the rest of this, it would be nice is everyone tries to cut down a bit on the hyperbole. I'm not sure painting anti-GG as a growing Communist or Socialist party accomplishes anything better than calling all MRAs one step away from mass murderers or comparing Gamergate to ISIS or other extreme Islamic groups.
im not sure i get the mra=mass killings thing

mra are people like paul ezlam from a voice 4 men correct?
dragonbeast: let me tell you something out of personal experience.
Insults from your enemies are something you can expect at every turn and frankly, it doesn't hit that hard. When the insults come from your allies and "buddies" however, every hit will feel like a mike tyson punch.

I can absolutely guarantee you that.

"a hundred insults or punches from your enemies will never hurt as much as a single one from your friends."

It was to be expected some in gg would react negatively vs Wu. She is on the opposing team after all. She claimed we would gas pax and poisoned her dog and painted GG like HellSpawn, so i'm not surprised people within gg carry a grudge against her. And in general, I've not seen that destructive attacks on the concept of her meetup with Wa. At the same time i've also seen the meeting recieved as something positive. And notice that on the feline frequency comment, no gg acted harmful, yet one SJW was beginning its attack.

Notice how noone is screaming horrible insults at Brad, our side, for meeting with Wu.

Yet the antigg have done a MASSIVE attack on Wu, their representative. and these people were not her enemies, these were her allies. In a war you can expect the enemy to shoot at you, but you won't expect your own platoon to open fire on you.
And I've seen some downright horrible things said by her allies.

i'm fairly certain there were a lot of hate posts vs Brad on the antis side too, just like anti wu on the pro end. But gg did not condemn the idea of meeting with the enemy. The antis destroyed the idea.
the anti-gg people seem to take a mcch more aggressive approach but ...

that may be to do with their ties to feminism which has always and oftem from neccesity taken a more aggressive position
Post edited March 27, 2015 by soxy_lady