R8V9F5A2: My initial encounters with American gaming media, from IGN to Giant Bomb, lead me to think there must be a conspiracy going on since their reviews showed no significant differences, only the phrasing was different. There was no sign of individuality anywhere, as if one person was writing all these reviews.
With time I realized that the reason these reviews show no significant difference is that the people writing them are the same kind of people, with very similar backgrounds and very similar tastes in games.
So if you were ask the people at GameSpot, IGN, Giant Bomb et al. to list their 10 favourite games of all time I bet you would get almost identical-looking lists. There would be no major differences.
That this small group of people have such a massive influence on Western gaming is disturbing.
Imagine if Beliebers or the Britney Army would be in charge of writing all major music reviews, what would their review of Slayer's or Motörhead's latest album look like, what would they think of the experimentalism of Hal McGee, the neo-folk of Death In June ?
The views of this sub-group is enhanced by all youtubers and forum writers who simply repeat what they hear on the bigger media or youtube channels, because 'that is the correct way to think'. European media can't help but follow the ideology of their much more popular American brethren.
Western gaming media is not really 'Western', it is American, or more precisely Suburban American Gaming.
If you do read reviews and even then I would rate them rather lightly in the decision making process, just start by ignoring ign and the like as their reviews tend to be highly suspect at best.
Personally, I like a combination of reviews by people who actually played a game for some significant number of hours, forums(if any), and possibly a few youtube videos if I'm still undecided or information on a particular game is sparse.
Personally I like totalbiscuits WTF(and other videos), but can't stand Jim Sterling, who I consider to be an asshat of the first class, et. al.