Shalgroth: I overlook the differences, she doesn't.
Been there, too. Sorry for your situation. :(
I hope you figure out the depression thing. I was majorly messed up in one for about a year and a half. I'm not sure what happened exactly...just a combination of good people helping me out (some that've been through it) and enjoying the simple things in life -- like games :) -- and not overthinking. I came out of it very different than I was. Used to be very passive..barely now. If someone pisses me off I will let them have it. :)
Was very tense and anxious during the depression, now I couldnt be more relaxed most of the time.
Best of luck sir.
Aliasalpha: Heh, I always find dark humour when people talk about curing depression.
This is good advice, too. I'm a pretty sick bastard now. :P
I kind of live by this quote: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it."