Telika: Well well well well.
I have 3 or 4 steam games. Wanted to launch one today (haha). Steam client didn't work. At all. So, no steam-related game worked at all. Tried to "repair" steam client from install site. Didn't work (installed always stopped for failing to find some help.url file). So, uninstalled and reinstalled client. That was fast and easy.
It uninstalled all my steam-related games.
Seriously. Fuck steam. And, as an bonus option, disembowel all steam fanboys and steam coworkers.
I also had the "bootstrap does not work blaa blaa blaa"-problem a couple of days ago just like many other Steam users seemed to, but I did find one suggested fix that worked for me:
- From your Steam installation folder, delete everything else _except_ the steamapps-folder, and steam.exe. Everything else, just delete.
- Run steam.exe, log in, let it update, blaa blaa blaa. It re-downloaded all those deleted Steam files, and I didn't have to redownload any of the games.
So fortunately there was a quite simple, albeit not so obvious, fix for it. But it did remind me how volatile my Steam game collection is, if there are hiccups with the client.
"So what, play something else in the meantime.". Yeah, like GOG games... :)