tinyE: Wait wait wait wait
I get Pro Clubs, but sponsors and dictate who plays internationally?
I thought American sports were crooked, and they are, but that's nuts.
Oh, the World Cup was just one case of multinational companies after another fucking us over.
David Luiz was the defender that got most of the blame for that awful performance, and the reason he was never taken out of the field was that he was one of the faces Coca-Cola's or Pepsi's promotional campaign for the World Cup and they didn't have a sufficiently high profile substitute for him to appease the sponsors.
There's also that Fifa official who had the gall to complain that fans were getting too rowdy during the games. Gee, maybe that's why we passed a law over a decade ago prohibiting the sale of alcohol in stadiums and their vicinity. A law that FIFA pressured the government to suspend during the games in order to appease however many beer sponsors they had.