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For instance ChatGPT forgot to do the Manual Compilation of Wine on Ubuntu Linux.
MartiusR: Seen it multiple times, so it couldn't be a coincidene.
Are you using any mods? HOTA or others may have changed that. I don't recall the ai ever doing that in vanilla.
I'm with BlueMooner on this one.

Been playing from 2001 to 2023 religiously. At some point, it was the only game I was playing daily for a whole year.
MartiusR: Seen it multiple times, so it couldn't be a coincidene.
BlueMooner: Are you using any mods? HOTA or others may have changed that. I don't recall the ai ever doing that in vanilla.
I'm certain it was in vanilla game. But now that you've mentioned it, I'm curious if they eliminated it in HotA or other mods. I played a bit in HotA but can't remember if I still saw this AI cheat or not.
To make it's own Artificial Intelligence is it really neccessary to pay 5$ to OpenAI website?
Breja: I probably should have titled the thread something different, everyone will think it's about ChatGPT or some shit like that. I forgot that's what's usually meant by AI these days. Damn.
(: Guilty! :)

I did understand my mistake as soon as I read the first sentence, though, and I was not successful in thinking of a better term. Your meaning had a substantive much before the current craze--which is not artificial intelligence, anyway. (It's an Expert System in linguistical interlocution. It has no apperception.)

idbeholdME: […]As for other games, […] you can never surprise them and this difficulty also makes it so they are omnipotent, always knowing where you are, even without visual contact. Which is not the case on lower difficulties.
Age of Wonders!

idbeholdME: […]With RNG, a lot depends on whether it's deterministic, pseudo-random, seed-based or random (as close to true random as you can possibly get). It is honestly quite an interesting topic
And quantum is imminent….

gamingrn: I played a lot of hours of Madden 10-15 years ago or so, and no matter how good you or your players were, 'catch-up logic' would interrupt your game. Your opposing […] offensive player […] would routinely run right past your defender, catch the pass, and accelerate away at unreachable speed to score even if your defender was within a step initially. By the stats, you should be able to catch the runner, but you never could.[…]
There was a top-down arcade game, Ten-Yard Fight. Same thing only with twenty-cent coins engurgitated. And Rally-X, too, the little car with an oil slick defence, reducing precious fuel. By the third level the opposing cars were so fast you could not outrun them and soon after the level was impossible to clear with the ludicrous rate of fuel consumption.
But all video games did that. Donkey Kong, and Frogger, but Asteroids may be different because it cycled through a moment or two of calm between phases but was also impossible at times.
maxleod: There's Civilization 1, the AI is notorious for cheating, like randomly being awarded free Wonders of the World, or having huge armies it can't possibly have or sustain.
Never played the first one but Civilizations were infamous for it: the Stacks of Doom not removed until the fourth game.
CarChris: […][T]he computer can do many different moves, and on all the mission's map, simultaneously, while the player has got one right hand and one mouse and can only see so much of the map on his screen at any one time...
In Rome: Total War (not available on Gog) I had an opposing general doing a burnout tight wheel with his chariot that is almost completely impossible to do with a mouse. Without stop-motion precision on the flow of gametime to manually re-point the chariot in an arc of polygonal approximation: a geometric envelope of tangents, each of a family of curves that are concentric with the circumference of a circle. And the game specifically prevents a player from stopping the game in rapid succession to restarting it.
scientiae: Never played the first one but Civilizations were infamous for it: the Stacks of Doom not removed until the fourth game.
I thought the removal of unit stacking didn't happen until the *fifth* game.
scientiae: Never played the first one but Civilizations were infamous for it: the Stacks of Doom not removed until the fourth game.
dtgreene: I thought the removal of unit stacking didn't happen until the *fifth* game.
I did play three and four and three had it (and much worse than the second game, too: barbarian stack of thirty-five units, IIRC, came and wiped out my city) and four didn't.
I've never felt more cheated than when playing Racing and Fighting games.

They're probably the worst offenders of all time when it comes to bad programmed AI when they can literally read your inputs and at the same time react to it in a pre programmed way or give the computer opponents +X% speed when they're too far from you on a race or -X% when you're too far from them.

We can list many, but I will only list the worst offender in my experience:

Street Fighter IV - Has simply the worst AI ever created in a fighting game. The game was developed purely for Arcades and to be played competitively on tournaments. Its already a hard fighting game on its own in multiplayer because combos require 1 frame player input, but the devs had to be lazy or purposefully evil to make the AI constantly read player input in order to apply 1 frame react windows impossible to counter.

The bad thing is that single player experience is terrible. The "good" thing is that, because you know AI is reading your inputs 100% of the time, you can trick the opponent to do specific movements to beat them "easily" - something that is required if you want to finish the 'arcade mode' on higher difficulties. A good fighting game with the worst AI in a fighting game ever created.
Very fun and challenging with friends, though, as the competitive scene of the game back then was huge. Gladly Capcom learned from their mistakes with this game and made Street Fighter 6 with a much better AI, apparently.
In Worms 2, the enemy AI cheats so effectively with the basic bazooka weapon that it rarely, if ever, uses anything else. No matter how hard (or in which direction) the wind is blowing, or how many obstacles are in the way, the AI is almost certain to land a bullseye hit on you. For me, it ruined what could've otherwise been a fun little strategy game.
Riser_N: In Worms 2, the enemy AI cheats so effectively with the basic bazooka weapon that it rarely, if ever, uses anything else. No matter how hard (or in which direction) the wind is blowing, or how many obstacles are in the way, the AI is almost certain to land a bullseye hit on you. For me, it ruined what could've otherwise been a fun little strategy game.
Well, Worms is mostly about playing with friends so I wouldn't say it ruins the whole thing, but yeah, you're absolutely right about the vs computer experience. It's doubly frustrating because not only is the AI making these impossible shots, but the game just gets kinda boring when the players aren't using the more destructive/ridiculous weapons.
When customer adviced me by telling he/she asked from AI and handed me some basic subjects as relevant info that can be found by first google search.
Riser_N: In Worms 2, the enemy AI cheats so effectively with the basic bazooka weapon that it rarely, if ever, uses anything else. No matter how hard (or in which direction) the wind is blowing, or how many obstacles are in the way, the AI is almost certain to land a bullseye hit on you. For me, it ruined what could've otherwise been a fun little strategy game.
Breja: Well, Worms is mostly about playing with friends so I wouldn't say it ruins the whole thing, but yeah, you're absolutely right about the vs computer experience. It's doubly frustrating because not only is the AI making these impossible shots, but the game just gets kinda boring when the players aren't using the more destructive/ridiculous weapons.
I can't really agree. Only CPU 5 hits these "impossible" shots and it can often be baited into thinking it can hit you directly when it in fact can not.

Also, CPU uses bazooka/grenades only 85% of the time because the AI in the early 2D Worms games is painfully simplistic and they can't use a large chunk of the entire arsenal. They can only use the 5 basic weapon archetypes. Bazooka-like shots, Grenade-type weapons, Shotgun-like weapons, Air-Strike type weapons and placeable weapons. Nothing else and they pretty much have to be forced to use stuff other than Bazooka/Grenade/Air Strike by not giving them an unlimited supply of the basic weapon types. It can use weapons like Holy Hand Grenades, Banana Bombs, Flamethrower/Minigun, Ming Vase or Cluster Bombs, but do so only when they have literally no other option. Infinite Bazooka/Grenades will mean you'll probably never see it.

AI was homestly one of the largest improvements in the 3D Worms games.
Post edited 3 hours ago by idbeholdME
Breja: It's doubly frustrating because not only is the AI making these impossible shots, but the game just gets kinda boring when the players aren't using the more destructive/ridiculous weapons.
"Impossible" is the word I yelled at the screen more than once. Possibly with a couple of other choice words thrown in!
Yeah, boring too with such a predictable gameplay loop and outcome. The ridiculous weapons should help set it apart.
idbeholdME: AI in the early 2D Worms games is painfully simplistic and they can't use a large chunk of the entire arsenal...
It can use weapons like Holy Hand Grenades, Banana Bombs, Flamethrower/Minigun, Ming Vase or Cluster Bombs, but do so only when they have literally no other option. Infinite Bazooka/Grenades will mean you'll probably never see it.

AI was honestly one of the largest improvements in the 3D Worms games.
Simplistic or not, the AI is still the problem for me. It was certainly one-dimensional (for not using the other weapons) but wasn't so simplistic that it couldn't land direct hit upon direct hit (i.e. cheat).
Glad to hear the AI improved but they lost me in the 2D world so I never tried the 3D games.
Post edited 2 hours ago by Riser_N
Riser_N: but wasn't so simplistic that it couldn't land direct hit upon direct hit (i.e. cheat).
But that only happens when you decide to go against the hardest difficulty CPU (CPU 5). The CPU difficulty basically determines the AI's aim and nothing else. CPU 1 won't hit the broad side of a barn, CPU 5 will pretty much always hit you, if it can (though there are exceptions too, don't want to go into too much detail).

If you want something similar to what a non-proffesional Worms player would play like, pick CPU 4.
Post edited now by idbeholdME