Posted December 02, 2013

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other

The A.I. Guy
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted December 02, 2013
My family has a black cat we named Bast. I suppose she's pretty average by cat standards. She sleeps a lot and likes to sit in windows. She isn't very friendly, though. She isn't even mean; she's just indifferent to everyone. Every once in a while she'll jump in somebody's lap, but if she gets ignored for more than twenty seconds she goes to find a more comfortable spot to sleep. She's really cute, though, and easily the second best pet we've ever had.

Registered: Sep 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted December 02, 2013
Down to 3 pets these days they are slowly getting old and kicking the bucket.
1 long haired ginger cat, male. 19 years old called Ginger.
1 Rhodesian Ridgeback. Female. 11 years old called Saffron.
1 white German Shepard (possible mongrel dont know as she was a rescue, definitely mostly a shepard) about 6 or 7 years old called kendal.
We have lost 2 other dogs in the past 3 years, one of them was put down on christmas eve of all times.
I want a kitten but cant till the old cat passes, gonna name it after a famous physicist. No prizes for guessing considering its a cat.
1 long haired ginger cat, male. 19 years old called Ginger.
1 Rhodesian Ridgeback. Female. 11 years old called Saffron.
1 white German Shepard (possible mongrel dont know as she was a rescue, definitely mostly a shepard) about 6 or 7 years old called kendal.
We have lost 2 other dogs in the past 3 years, one of them was put down on christmas eve of all times.
I want a kitten but cant till the old cat passes, gonna name it after a famous physicist. No prizes for guessing considering its a cat.

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia
Posted December 02, 2013
No pets sadly. Although i rent and landlord wouldnt mind, 1 room (plus kitchen and bathroom) is hardly roomy enuf.... (fish aside)

Desert Ranger
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted December 02, 2013
I have a 9 year old Tiger striped cat I inherited six or seven years ago from my family that got a new dog and of course that dog tried to eat the poor cat. She was named by my niece, Miracle, because she survived the first two dogs they owned. She nicknamed her Mir-Mir and I re-nicknamed her Meerkat, because she looks around for danger on her hind legs like meerkats do. Ever since her near death experiences the little thing is afraid of her own shadow. But as long as I am around my house is her castle and she only shows fear when someone comes to the house. She let's me know when it's time for bed by kicking me out of my spot on the couch when I turn off the TV. Sleeps in the center of my bed during the day when I am at work. Pretty much sleeps 20 hours out of the day. So, No Lucy or even her husband Jonathan? She must be further along in the story than her age implies.
I named my first cat after that movie, but of course he was just Bandit and had a brother named Smokey that a friend took in.
I named my first cat after that movie, but of course he was just Bandit and had a brother named Smokey that a friend took in.
Post edited December 02, 2013 by jjsimp

New User
Registered: Dec 2011
From Philippines
Posted December 02, 2013
2 dogs, both 1 1/2 years old, one mongrel and one min pin. The min pin always runs around and barks at birds when it's his meal time.

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted December 02, 2013
I was lucky I got what I got and I'm amazed she let me have that. When she said I could name one she knew I would go literary but I don't think she anticipated Dracula. XD My second choice was Prozac and I know that wouldn't have gone over too well.

hudfree 4 life
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted December 02, 2013
Ain't got none. I'd rather use my money to buy games.

To the PIT!
Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted December 02, 2013
I have two cats, and we are all very close.
My calico is super smart, and I can get her to go where I want by snapping my fingers. It's hard to get her to do unpleasant things because she remembers things and knows what you are up to. Has a thing for plastic bags I don't understand.
The other isn't quite as sharp, but somehow she is the one that figured out to open doors both ways. She also has a compulsive need to rub on everything, and seems to need me to drag around a shoelace as often as humanly possible.
They are still fairly active, but are about due to start slowing down before too long. Old enough now that I'm starting to worry about what it's going to be like when they are gone. I'm really not sure I'm going to handle it all that well.
I've heard a lot of talk about why people don't like cats, but every one of them I've been around have made pretty amazing pets. I'm not sure they are like dogs in that they will love you just for breathing, but if you love them, they will follow you wherever you go.
My calico is super smart, and I can get her to go where I want by snapping my fingers. It's hard to get her to do unpleasant things because she remembers things and knows what you are up to. Has a thing for plastic bags I don't understand.
The other isn't quite as sharp, but somehow she is the one that figured out to open doors both ways. She also has a compulsive need to rub on everything, and seems to need me to drag around a shoelace as often as humanly possible.
They are still fairly active, but are about due to start slowing down before too long. Old enough now that I'm starting to worry about what it's going to be like when they are gone. I'm really not sure I'm going to handle it all that well.
I've heard a lot of talk about why people don't like cats, but every one of them I've been around have made pretty amazing pets. I'm not sure they are like dogs in that they will love you just for breathing, but if you love them, they will follow you wherever you go.

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted December 02, 2013

Also there is the great line from Terry Pratchett,
"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this."

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted December 02, 2013

Also there is the great line from Terry Pratchett,
"In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this."

Registered: Dec 2009
From Finland
Posted December 03, 2013
I have two cats, Jazzi (Russian Blue) and Yuki (Burmilla). They're both very affectionate and good-tempered cats, I just wish Yuki would not want to play with us at four in the morning!

Always a noob
Registered: Oct 2008
From Clipperton Island
Posted December 03, 2013
I have a dog which came with my wife. She's a bitch. The dog, not the wife. A female dog, I mean. She's close to 13, cute and lacking in attention since the kids arrived.
We also have a hamster. My daughter wanted one for her fifth birthday. She got one and killed her two days later by over-cuddling. We have a second one who's survived for three months now, but gets very little attention, because the kid promptly lost her interest.
We also have a hamster. My daughter wanted one for her fifth birthday. She got one and killed her two days later by over-cuddling. We have a second one who's survived for three months now, but gets very little attention, because the kid promptly lost her interest.
Post edited December 03, 2013 by ET3D

feminist gamer
Registered: Jul 2011
From Australia
Posted December 03, 2013
I heart Chester !!
My gf has a staffy corgi cross called boss. A video is below (I understand people in some regions can't see it):
Before we got together, he ran away from her house (a plumber let him out) and ran about 3 kms to my house (across 2 four lane roads). I was watching tv. I heard a dog barking out the front, assumed it was a neighbour's. It kept barking. Then I saw a small brown thing at my window. I opened the door and it was boss. It was summer in Perth so around 40 degrees celsius. He was pretty puffed.
He had only been to my house once before walking, and once by car. After that, I thought he was alright.
My gf has a staffy corgi cross called boss. A video is below (I understand people in some regions can't see it):
Before we got together, he ran away from her house (a plumber let him out) and ran about 3 kms to my house (across 2 four lane roads). I was watching tv. I heard a dog barking out the front, assumed it was a neighbour's. It kept barking. Then I saw a small brown thing at my window. I opened the door and it was boss. It was summer in Perth so around 40 degrees celsius. He was pretty puffed.
He had only been to my house once before walking, and once by car. After that, I thought he was alright.
Post edited December 03, 2013 by htown1980

Registered: Oct 2012
From United States
Posted December 03, 2013
I've always had pets growing up and my parents have a dog and cat which I see when visiting, but I currently am pet-less. I live in a condo community which doesn't allow any pets. I would love to have my own dog and cat, but even if it was allowed, I could only justify a cat. Not nearly enough room for a dog and I'm gone most of the day for work. Cats can deal with being alone much better.