Posted November 28, 2014

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden

Das Auge Innos'
Registered: Oct 2013
From Germany
Posted November 28, 2014
I stopped watching teasers a long time ago... they're just useless, generating hype with a few seconds of - nothing?
Trailers are somewhat useful, since they can help you decide whether you would like to watch a movie or not... but I'm going to see this one anyway, so are you, so what's the matter?
Though, of course, I couldn't resist to see this one and I only have to say: I'm excited.
Trailers are somewhat useful, since they can help you decide whether you would like to watch a movie or not... but I'm going to see this one anyway, so are you, so what's the matter?
Though, of course, I couldn't resist to see this one and I only have to say: I'm excited.

Registered: Jun 2012
From United States

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted November 29, 2014
Just watched it and... i don't know. As a teaser i guess it's doing it's job, show a half dozen random scenes with no context that does feel a bit like the Star Wars universe, yet...
What's with the storm troopers? To my understanding they were leftovers from the clone wars, unless more of them were made regularly there shouldn't really be a huge number of them after the empire went down....
Then as mentioned, the laser cross guard because... why? the electronics would be damaged before the laser guarded against anything...
I'd almost rather see Disney do a really really good job of the Claymore Anime as a live action...
What's with the storm troopers? To my understanding they were leftovers from the clone wars, unless more of them were made regularly there shouldn't really be a huge number of them after the empire went down....
Then as mentioned, the laser cross guard because... why? the electronics would be damaged before the laser guarded against anything...
I'd almost rather see Disney do a really really good job of the Claymore Anime as a live action...

Duck Dodgers
Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom
Posted November 29, 2014
I totally know what you mean. Pretty much any of the Lego Star Wars videos are a decent parody / gentle poke of the movies/cartoons.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden

Beep Beep
Registered: Feb 2011
From United States
Posted November 29, 2014
That was actually pretty good. With this being a teaser trailer and the movie being more than a year away, I was surprised to see some actual live action footage showing a few of the new actors, storm troopers, X-Wings, TIE Fighters and the Millennium Falcon! I didn't think we'd see more than a few still shots, text and logos.

the logo is cool
Registered: Jun 2012
From Brazil
Posted November 29, 2014

Games Writer
Registered: Apr 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted November 29, 2014

There it is. I have to say, it looks... rather bad. If I didn't know it's real, I'd say it's a fake. It looks fake somehow. The ball-droid and the light-broadsword look just silly.
I find it mildly amusing a teaser has garnered such a strong reaction when its only goal appears to be to say 'There's a new Starwars movie coming, it will have lightsabers, and stormtroopers.' THAT'S IT. That's all it conveys. And yet people have dissected and criticized every single second. Including the black guy.
Post edited November 29, 2014 by markrichardb

Registered: Jun 2012
From United States

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted November 29, 2014

There it is. I have to say, it looks... rather bad. If I didn't know it's real, I'd say it's a fake. It looks fake somehow. The ball-droid and the light-broadsword look just silly.

I mean just look at the Dark Knight teaser or the Star Trek teaser. They show basically nothing, but they convey a lot about the movie, and are memorable, unique. The new Star Wars teaser is literally "something (desert), something (ball-droid), something (girl on bike), dark side".
Post edited November 29, 2014 by Breja

Trauma Team Medic
Registered: Dec 2010
From New Zealand
Posted November 29, 2014
That was an interesting trailer, I am glad to see the good ol' Tie Fighters are still around.
That style of Lightsaber looked familiar, I thought I saw it in one of the comics a few years back?
That style of Lightsaber looked familiar, I thought I saw it in one of the comics a few years back?

Ninja who say Ni
Registered: Dec 2011
From Canada
Posted November 29, 2014
Presumably, the Civil War isn't quite wrapped up yet. As to Stormtroopers, they were never clones, but regular recruits. Though, with all the previous expanded canon wiped, there's no telling.

Grumpy Old Gamer
Registered: Apr 2010
From Spain
Posted November 29, 2014

And, yes, the CGI looks damn good for CGI. Horrible CGI is one of the main reasons why I hate the the prequels and the original "extended-special-enhanced-Greedo-shots-first" trilogy -.- The ball droid is a bit meh, but the X-Wings look REALLY good.

Registered: Jun 2012
From United States
Posted November 29, 2014

And, yes, the CGI looks damn good for CGI. Horrible CGI is one of the main reasons why I hate the the prequels and the original "extended-special-enhanced-Greedo-shots-first" trilogy -.- The ball droid is a bit meh, but the X-Wings look REALLY good.