rtcvb32: Called it. Someone is still downvoting me regardless what I'm doing.
Maighstir: To be fair, though, that was pretty much an open invitation.
Although if you look up like 3 posts higher on my other post, I merely say I reported on it a few days prior without going into any type of details, and that also has downvotes. No, I'm being targeted. Including my less serious news section where I talk about beavers in dollar store shops attacking plastic trees, and people getting let go because the police thought a bag of cat litter was meth... Those all have serious downvotes too, although there's nothing political about them.
Then it's annoying, just yesterday my rep was 841, now just a couple hours later it's several lower.
No. this is someone using bots to attack me for them disagreeing with me. Although my energy and concentration on the task at hand has moved on for the moment.