Releases like that are always welcome to GOG, and needed, imo.
That said, and while not as bad as the last iteration of the series, for me the Civilizations games ended up with IV. V is...different, the experiment that will end up in the failed and bland "spiritual successor" of Alpha Centauri and, finally, in the cartoonish and boring simplified game that is Civilization VI. IMHO, of course.
I am still playing III and IV, and we already have them here, so i really encourage those of you who have not played them to do it. Awesome games still with that "old feeling".
V is "meh" for me. I can play a game with it, but after doing that i will need to play III or IV again. I agree, though, in that doomstacks were bad but i would have preferred a simple unit limit in each hex instead of what CiV V did.
Oh, and please bring also here the old ones! (including the first Civ and the first Call to Power)