QWEEDDYZ: Hello from 2019...
Now we have only magog and gogdb... and Web Archive (not all pages!)
Zrevnur: So GOG makes stuff like GOGWiki or GOG Mixes so that users can contribute. And then just kills it off in such a way that it cant even be viewed anymore? This is how GOG treats users who want to contribute (and also those who want to benefit from those contributions)?
GOG had nothing to do with the wiki -- neither its creation nor its demise. Like MaGog, all forms of the GOGdb, the GOG subreddit and at least a couple Discord channels, it was created and run by, and for, users.
The only part of the wiki that had really been updated in years was the "removed games" page, and Grargar (the last person I'm aware of that still updated anything there) stopped doing anything with it in early 2018, IIRC. The person who had kept the domain and server paid for (who hadn't really been active in this forum for years) gave ample notice here that it would probably be going dark...and then it carried on being accessible long after
that, for whatever reason.
If you want to create your own replacement wiki, go for it. But given the change in GOG's scope and focus over the years, the presence of other community resources that now exist (such as MaGog), and the utter lack of use and participation the old wiki saw from the community in its last few years, it would probably be pointless.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: GOG Wiki housed some thorns...
1. List of games not being updated by their developer/abandoned by their publisher, here.
2. List of CENSORED games sold here, plus workarounds to uncensor them (probably this was the main culprit, alright, since gog recently took a silent turn towards being pro censor).
3. Complete list of games removed from gog store, as well as those who returned and those that can nowhere be acquired DRM-FREE
Again, the wiki was neither created by, nor shut down by, GOG.