Back when I first joined an internet forum, all we were talking about were the upcoming Lord of the Rings movies. The things we loved, yes, but also the things we really didn't. Pointy ears were a huge point of debate, elves being these hippie Vulcans too stuck up to crack a good joke. Elrond being a racist twat instead of "as kind as Summer", Gandalf's beard cut to about a sixth Maharishi style. The Balrog having wings (whatever those were for). Pippin and Gimli always being the butt of the joke while Legolas was made into a superhero, which Tolkien would have hated the royal fuck out of. Green jello ghosts, Manwë almighty we hated those. The fucking Star Wars reference during Théoden's death scene! The Wilhelm screams. Immerson breaking director cameos. Frodo telling Sam to "go home" in fricking Mordor, Phillippa and Fran must have been completely drunk when they wrote that scene. Legolas going full murder hobo on Grima, damn that was so random and irritating.
Still a great trilogy, and great people to talk about these movies with back in the day. I miss these times, back when people had read the book(s) first and knew what they were talking about. I also think we were able to enjoy things that were flawed while still being aware of the flaws.
People's brains were apparently washed empty back when Jackson launched the Hobbit, this absolute shit heap of a trilogy, the worst Tolkien adaptation that there ever was and ever will be. Most shooting days they didn't even have a script, didn't know what they were doing, and still they wanted this thing to be eleven hours long. When I think of the Hobbit movies, I think of Ian McKellen literally crying in front of a green screen, hating what he's doing. For New Zealand's actor rights, the Hobbit trilogy was a catastrophe and Jackson was there to make it happen, turn his own country into Mordor for NZ actors. Never forgiven, Pee Jay. Never.
Rings of Power Season 1 was definitly not perfect, but it was the first Middle Earth breeze I've gotten since 2003, so fuck yes I'll take it. I think it's the Star Wars situation all over again, fanatic cultural pessimists try to interpret the present instalments of a franchise as the worst possible ones, but forget what absolute shit oceans the IP had to wade through 25 years ago, conjured up by the very creator they glorify so much.
And you know what, I'm done with the cultural pessimism. This last decade had the best Blade Runner, the best Mad Max, an absolutely great Bill & Ted, the first truly great Dungeon & Dragon movie ever, some really glorious video game adaptations and some of the best and most inventive TV series I've ever seen.
A certain group of very politically active people has badmouthed the Rings of Power since the first 30 second teaser. There were a gazillion boo hoo comments just under that first glimpse, most of them, to my memory, in Russian. And for what, just because a completely irrelevant character, arc wise, is black. These people strongly reminded me of Denethor, prematurely lamenting his son's death while actively tring to kill him. They still do.
I'm looking forward to Rings of Power Season 2 and I'm hoping they're able to get rid of some of the more obvious flaws that have been pointed out to the writers
by actually well meaning, knowledgeable Tolkien fans. Oh, and the stupid ads on Prime have to go, sorry.