Posted December 04, 2019

After all, these games (e.g. racing games and flight sims, and quite often sports games) seem to rely on:
- good graphics
- realistic physics
and those tend to get only better with newer games. If you play an older racing game, it just feels the same but worse graphics and maybe less believable physics. With sports games there's also the teams and players, which are more up to date in newer games (sport fans want their current idols to be in the football game or whatever).
Unique games that offered something more on top of being merely vanilla racing or flying games are exceptions, like the Carmageddon games, maybe the Burnout series etc. Also, maybe some Papyrus classics like Grand Prix Legends or Nascar Racing (2) are such games too as maybe there haven't been that many newer racing games presenting the same races or eras of cars (or maybe I am not aware of it, maybe consoles get new Nascar Racing games every year?).
Post edited December 04, 2019 by timppu