Vinry_.: I see. Personally, I've never played any of the Resident Evil games as far as I remember, but wouldn't the really older games not have any DRM tied to them? Maybe Capcom could release those older ones here.
StingingVelvet: The original RE and Silent Hill games can run well on modern PCs, but I believe it takes a lot of fan patches and whatnot last I read. That's likely a big reason they're not sold. Though GOG has shown they will integrate that stuff, unlike Steam, so who knows.
Pretty sure Capcom at least just pretend Steam is the entire PC market, for the most part.
Vinry_.: I see. Personally, I've never played any of the Resident Evil games as far as I remember, but wouldn't the really older games not have any DRM tied to them? Maybe Capcom could release those older ones here.
AWG43: Yes, older games might not have any DRM, but you have to apply user made patches to make them playable. Also controls in old RE games are very archaic, and it took me a lot of time to get used to them. So I'd rather try the remakes if I have the opportunity. The remakes may lack in regards of storytelling (compared to originals), it's what I have read about them, but at least they are more user-friendly.
Got it, thanks for the explanations guys. In that case, I'd rather play the remakes, although if the older RE games do indeed come to GOG, I hope GOG will do the necessary steps to get those games patched.