oldgamebuff42: I don't mean to be pudgy, but I stink because I have some problems. I don't blow dry the goo on chairs, or buy winking Amazon sex toys which are kinky and would do anything to you, unless you have a fetish for mailmen with asymptomatic shingles. I don't get how one makes tombs full of guys - perhaps you were thinking of spraying the F Troop to express your anal glands all over the world and got aroused? The thing about the sleeve haters and cheese diffuses me astoundingly, but don't hurry, sleeve hating goes with being armless.
It's not necessarily your fault if you're fat, because some people have glandular disorders, which may explain the stench as well. It's better to wipe off the chairs anyway, so they'll be clean. I didn't even know Amazon sold sex toys, but I suppose mailmen with mild forms of specific diseases are a fairly unusual subject for a fetish. If you kill a bunch of guys and put them into tombs, that's how you make tombs of guys. Are you accusing me of being a skunk who somehow finds his own spray sexually appealing? How dare you! But I suppose someone with no arms has no use for sleeves, and they may just get in the way.