TrueDosGamer: That's probably because you are from Singapore. The word "oriental" has a negative connotation attached to it from the United States side and since this is an English word you probably are unaware and have no experience of the history of this word.
Huinehtar: As other HunchBluntley said, it means "Eastern", and FYI, it was used from a European side back when the USA didn't even exist.
Used from strategic, diplomatic, mercantile, cultural points of view. Sometimes on a negative note, but sometimes on neutral or positive notes, especially when used to sell goods coming from the Silk Road. Even cities were named as such because they were ports where ships coming from the Levant full of goods from Middle East and afar.
Last times when terms like "oriental empires" were considered as offensive terms, were because some western people refused to agree that eastern countries could have empires too, capable to rival the western empires in cultural ways and in terms of power.
As mystral said, maybe the title here is used to further add other countries, in the opposite way game series like Cossacks went (lots of people I knew back when the first game released weren't aware the game wasn't only focused on cossacks but had many other playable countries...).
So, can we go back to gaming?
I appreciate your response from a historical perspective and I'm sure during those times they might have called themselves middle people since they thought the world revolved around them. But Europeans are no longer at the top of the food chain and the US is now. Since we are all mainly interacting in English on GOG it will adhere more to the US modern meaning than some distant one several centuries ago. I'm sure most movies come from the U.S. at this point and have a lot of influence in society. But HunchBluntley's definition of it meaning only "Eastern" is incorrect. In the far past I'll agree that the victor will be able to choose their words for historical perspectives. This is a modern game release not released in 1700s or 1800s were the original and then meaning of the word may have been non derogatory.
Now you're conflating the two words as if Empire is offensive. But personally there's nothing wrong with the word "Empires" at all by itself. Even Roman Empire still evokes power today. But Roman isn't a derogatory word to its people.
However since people tend to think of only one meaning of the word "oriental" from all the responses as it only means east and ignoring the rest you can look it up online. adjective
1. ( usually initial capital letter ) of, relating to, or characteristic of the Orient, or East; Eastern.
2. of the orient, or the eastern region of the world or heavens: oriental countries;
5. ( usually initial capital letter ) Older Use : Usually Disparaging and Offensive . a native or inhabitant of the Orient, or East.
If you read closely even you can find definition #5 - "usually disparaging and offensive" term.
Since "Oriental Empires" the Game focuses on the Chinese / Asian people you can only conclude Oriental Empires means Oriental people. Similarly to if I had said French Empires we are talking about the French people.
The title "Empires of the Orient" where the word "Orient" is used appropriately instead of the offensive term "Oriental" when describing the people. noun
the Orient,
1. the countries of Asia, especially East Asia.
(formerly) the countries to the E of the Mediterranean.
Now they just released a DLC called Genghis for Genghis Khan.
They could have renamed the original game easily.
"Empires Of The Orient"
"Empires Of The Orient" : Genghis DLC
"Empires Of The Orient" : Genghis Kahn DLC
People would have known it was part of "Empires Of The Orient" franchise.
Which is why I stated renaming it to "Empires of the Orient" would have been a good title choice going forward.
It could even be called EOTO, EOTO:GK for short.
Like I said before I have nothing against the contents of the game. You can return to your fine gaming.