gamesfreak64: Seems i was right....its good to see so many games arrive here but at the same time its also sad good old games arrive less frequently and games that do arrive are usally fpp/3pp, shooters or other good old 3d games , there is a shortage of good old 2d games ( no platformers, racing or other 3d looking stuff ofcourse there are plenty already)
Anyway, the few games i can play and like are usually HOG games and or Wadjet Eye games(or similar) that arrive sofar its tons of new games ...
vadalma18: So you can play only 2D games without flashy effects? Sorry to hear/read that.
thanks but no need to feel sorry, it wont kill me :D but it isnt pleasant either :D thats why i know my limitations, it does save me some money ٩◔‿◔۶ otherwise i would have had >2200 games at GOG and steam right now , this 'limitation' saved me on 3/4 of games ( and euros) especially since 2016, good old games arrived less ( ones that did arrive were among the " games to avoid" .
Anyway i gues 1/4 ( 1 quarter) of the old games that arrived might be on my shelves, maybe even less, i also had to hide about 200 games so if i remove that from the poor 1/4 it leaves little to nothing, i was new at GOG and i bought and bought like a kid in ac andy store, sinsce 2016 i started to look for demos on the internet which are rare cause they dont want to risk people not buying a game, afteral there is refund , isnt there? ( its also limited to a % of the total games one has ofcourse it is not unlimited)
Thats why i i'm having doubts and reservations regarding games i dont have a demo off.
Leaves me roughly with 300 games that are not hidden , meaning games i like and can and will play.
Same goes for steam and gamersgate i have at least 70 GG games and steam games i regret buying, all because i was new to it and bought anything that had a nice screenshot.
Today i know better.
Nicole28: For a small moment, I thought GOG was selling the comics, before I remembered that this is a gaming store. :D
But I sure would love to have a digital version of the whole comic set!
i dont know for sure but i thought they released some special hard covered books with a few stories in it, or maybe i am confusing them with the Suske & Wiske (Bob & Bobette) Finn och Fiffi, Lucius Et Lucia and so on ....
Amazon sells the complete collection : "The Complete Asterix (34 Volumes) Paperback"