kmanitou: Call me when it's 10 bucks.
Yeshu: You wouldn't buy it anyway.
I would. Checkmate.
viranimus: Dont know if I would be chomping at the bit to reward a developer for bringing their product to GOG a year after release.
I definitely wont be rewarding them for 40$ + 10$ DLC a year after release. Maybe if it had been 40$ and included the DLC + 20% discount but that is way too high for a year old game.
Just to give context, I bought Sekiro and Days gone for less than 25$ each in November. There is no excuse for a year old game to still be at launch pricing. This is a major MAJOR problem with the death of physical media and it will only get worse due to having to sign terms of service agreements that let companies hold your content hostage until you agree to what ever insanity they try to pull
I want to like the game but I have played enough of it to know its not worth 40$ on the edge of 2020
They got paid by Timmy Tencent when I wanted to buy it at launch, and now they think they're offering a deal.