LiefLayer: - Cooked at 500 degrees C
That might be a little bit over the top, don't you think? :D
Most ovens I know can only manage to produce 250.
Since I am a bad cook, I used prepared pastry, also slighty pre baked.
I keep it simple: on top: Oregano, Mozarella (or a adequate substitute), tomato sauce, spicy salami (the good one, not just colored salt), italian prosciutto crudo (despite it's name it's not completely raw but smoked), some onions and sometimes some pepper, depending on the tomato sauce used.
As an alternative to the prosciutto crudo I use
South Tyrolean Bauernspeck (it's a registered trademark by now, too many copycats).
Since I don't have a stone oven, I put it in the oven with surround heat for about 5 minutes, not too long or the prosciutto or speck will be ruined. Some people put these on top only after taking the pizza out even, but I like them slightly cooked.
A real stone oven would be much more convenient for the additional heat you get at the bottom side. Most of our pizzerias use these. When there was a power failure for 4 days, these came in handy, the pizzaioli got to work and provided pizza for a good portion of the city (it's hard to find food which you don't need to cool or to cook, so a ongoing power failure can cause serious problems, also stores have to close since they can't keep their food cooled for so long).
... and no, I am not applying for any key.