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Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stats.

X4: Foundations is now available for pre-order, DRM-free.

All the building materials that define a true X-perience are here, this time fueled by an even more dynamic world and economy, plus the ability to slip inside every single ship, fly them around and upgrade them to suit your playstyle.

Pre-order the Collector's Edition now 7% off and score an exclusive paint mod, alongside its regular contents.
Wow never expected this as a day 1 release drm free. Looks good but i still have the taste of X- rebirth in my mouth. Still i think i will buy this to show support for drm free day 1 releases.
aluinie: Wow never expected this as a day 1 release drm free. Looks good but i still have the taste of X- rebirth in my mouth. Still i think i will buy this to show support for drm free day 1 releases.
This is not a day 1 release.

Be extremely careful with this.
aluinie: Wow never expected this as a day 1 release drm free. Looks good but i still have the taste of X- rebirth in my mouth. Still i think i will buy this to show support for drm free day 1 releases.
lazydog: This is not a day 1 release.

Be extremely careful with this.
Sorry thought it was as stea has it as 30th November as well.
Ouch. My PC is starting to become outdated.
Hell yeah !
lazydog: This is not a day 1 release.

Be extremely careful with this.
Well I agree that this will probably be a total buggy mess on day one....

...but on the other side it's a day 1 Gog release, while all the previous games were released months later, and the devs are pretty good at supporting their games in the long run; so for me it is still worth a day one purchase even if I will probably wait a couple of months before playing it seriously.
aluinie: Wow never expected this as a day 1 release drm free. Looks good but i still have the taste of X- rebirth in my mouth. Still i think i will buy this to show support for drm free day 1 releases.
Knowing Egosoft, even if they indeed took the right approach with this one in theory (but even that is yet to be confirmed), it will be a bug ridden mess when it comes out :). Give it a year or two and it might just become the greatest 4X space sim ever.

I'm particularly put off the fact that it will only have, if I remember correctly, the Argon, Teladi and Paranid in it initially. And there's the attention they particularly put into the walking around aspect of the game, which to be honest I've never understood why they had to add to the series in the first place.

As long as their aim is not to make an X universe version of No Man's Sky, then it has potential. I'll probably stick to X3:AP for a while anyway.
I'm currently playing X3 Reunion right now and loving it so I was happy to see this show up. I'm optimistic but skeptical. Now I know Egosoft likes profitssssss like any other company but after after X-Rebirth? A game I tried really hard to like.....

You want pre-orders.......?

How about........?

avatar Pre-order the Collector's Edition now 7% off and score an exclusive paint mod, alongside its regular contents.
So it contains the base game + the Season Pass .
This just reminded me that I still haven't given this franchise a try yet. I did buy the Terran War pack a while back - from what I've read it is supposed to be the best of the bunch so I went with that - so I guess I ought to give Terran Conflict a go.
First of all, I am glad this is a thing (game and GOG release).

Now to my questions.

1) Regarding system requirements. I have a Nvidia GTX980M , is that going to be enough? First time I see a GTX 970 as a minimum requirement.
Also my CPU, Intel i7 4710HQ.

2) Is there something missing or the Collector's edition only contains a paint job? I don't see anything else mentioned.
trusteft: 2) Is there something missing or the Collector's edition only contains a paint job? I don't see anything else mentioned.
On the CE page it mentions that the future first two expansions are included in the package + novel, digital artbook, and soundtrack.
Post edited November 23, 2018 by Mr.Mumbles
So is this confirmed to come Day 1 here?! Really? For sure? :-O The absolutely earliest I expected it here was a week after release and more likely barely this side of New Year. So here we have a big budget game not from CDPR coming day one here, if this is correct. Vielen Dank Egosoft and thank you very much GOG! Now, I am staggering under a slew of money drains here so not buying it yet but it looking forward to it one day. :-)

- I also cannot understand why Egosoft felt the need for first person walking in this game but if it has been improved tremendously it might be alright.

-The system requirements are up here ;-) but I was expecting that.
Hell yes!

Ill be buying the CE to support the dev for not making us wait for it
aluinie: Wow never expected this as a day 1 release drm free. Looks good but i still have the taste of X- rebirth in my mouth. Still i think i will buy this to show support for drm free day 1 releases.
lazydog: This is not a day 1 release.

Be extremely careful with this.
What do you mean? Its release date everywhere is Nov 30on PC. That is a day 1 release...
Post edited November 23, 2018 by Gylfe