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UnashamedWeeb: That was this guy here -

Man was a flight traffic controller by training, no idea how he ended up at a PC digital distribution store.

Where did you get the idea that bringing back retro games was profitable?

Out of all the quarters I've analyzed, GOG makes the most net profits when new AAA games get released. e.g., TW3, CP77, and their respective expansions.
Johnathanamz: If those classic old retro video games were not profitable then how is still in business? Just in one month alone I spent $60 dollars (USD) purchasing those classic old retro video games. Yes I spent $60 dollars (USD) in just one month alone purchasing those classic old retro video games from I am very happy I did as well, even though that is a lot of money I spent just for those classic old retro video games. I got hundreds of hours of game play time out of them.
AAA games do help raise GOG's profile, it odd to claim that retro games are not profitable when GOG has survived for 17 years selling retro titles—not just because of the release of two AAA games that came out in 2015 and 2020.

If Retro games lack profitability then developers wouldn't continue to re release or remaster them; clearly, there is a market for these games. Just not on level of AAA titles like cyberpunk which is one most profitable. D
Post edited February 02, 2025 by Syphon72
Johnathanamz: If those classic old retro video games were not profitable then how is still in business? Just in one month alone I spent $60 dollars (USD) purchasing those classic old retro video games. Yes I spent $60 dollars (USD) in just one month alone purchasing those classic old retro video games from I am very happy I did as well, even though that is a lot of money I spent just for those classic old retro video games. I got hundreds of hours of game play time out of them.
I don't know, but just because personal anecdotes where sample size = 1 aren't accurate in describing general behaviour.

You buying these old AAA games at full price only means GOG got full profits from you. It doesn't necessarily mean that a significant portion of people also did the same thing to make it a super profitable release. Only GOG and the relevant devpubs will have this info.

All I know is that aside from whatever GOG was doing up to and including 2017 and their abundant of devpubs onboarding in that time and CP77's release in 2020 saw GOG's best annual financial statements in terms of net profits. Every other year has been a wash.

I haven't been tracking it, but if GOG was continuing to release retro games at around the same rate since 2012-2017 and Steam continues to make billions every year in correlation with new [AAA] game releases, I'm inclined to believe that they're not as profitable as some people make it out to be. Of course, I haven't been tracking old release rates because I personally don't buy them either.
Post edited February 02, 2025 by UnashamedWeeb
ClassicGamer592: I find it weird to see it was a GOG Staff pick for the dreamlist since they never ported console games to PC before.
Seph: Saints Row 2 was infamously ported to PC by some branch of CD Projekt or another I recall. Which doesn't exactly inspire confidence in more ports given the state that game was left in on PC. But hey, that was years ago and if they're personally highlighting a game like that it must mean they have some idea of how they'd want to approach it if they got the go ahead. Will be curious to see how things turn out.
Yeah i remember that infamous Saints Row 2 PC port lol. They also ported 3 more games like Dark Sector, Pure, and Split Second to PC.

Three of these games ported by CD Projekt didn't appear on GOG though. Would be nice to get Pure and Split Second here as they don't have licensed cars and GOG has a very small selection of racing games. Pure got delisted and the 60FPS patch for Split Second doesn't work on legitimate copies because of DRM problems.

The Saints Row 2 PC port was being fixed by two guys at Volition since 2019 but got abandoned. It would be great if GOG picked it up to finish the fixed PC port and add it to the "GOG Preservation Program" I would buy Saints Row 2 again if that happened.
Post edited February 03, 2025 by ClassicGamer592
Syphon72: I read an article about GOG that was published recently. It states that the head, who was put in charge of GOG in 2016 is responsible for many of the poor decisions made during that time. This was from sources they talked too about it. The article suggests that this manager was inexperienced and lacked the necessary skills to effectively lead the company. But at sametime said he was passionate about his work.

But maybe he realized what he was doing did not work. And going back to that made GOG. . Sorry little off topic
Unless we have all the facts, which we never will, we cannot make a reasonable assessment of what happened and why, and GOG would of course be affected by many other factors ... like Epic giving away so many free games, for instance, and continuing to do so, many of which exist at GOG.

I'm not sure that GOG is actually in a winnable situation, not with how things are changing and what has already occurred. The situation was very different when GOG started. Just the fact that Steam has become an accepted inst###### by many gamers now, has had a huge impact.

I'd like to see GOG continue to grow, but how long can that be achieved realistically, with all the factors now in play.

GOG have lasted 16 to 17 years so far, which is quite remarkable all things considered. But what has enabled them to do so?

I am having to post in this post in piecemeal fashion, to determine what GOG automation is not allowing me to say. See the hashed section for what I eventually determined. It is not allowing me to use that word, probably in association with the word Steam, or in the same post as.
Post edited February 03, 2025 by Timboli
Hmm Code Veronica was a Dreamcast game, right?
Sega ported a whole bunch of first party DC games over to PC some years ago - Crazy Taxis, Nights etc etc so it might not be so much of a pipe dream

Besides, there are all sorts of PC versions of hitherto console exclusives kicking around all over these days - 3D Noah's Arc, Doom 64, PO'ed, the 2 Baulder's Gate action games and others

Gosh there's so many previous console exclusives I'd love to see finally ported across!
The Draken sequel
The Crimson Skies sequel
G-Police 2
Driver 2
Fable 2
Saints Row
The original God of War trilogy
Infamous series

and just.. anything we never got our mitts on the first time around really!
Post edited February 03, 2025 by Fever_Discordia