ChrisGamer300: Avoiding controversy is the cowards way out and if controversies is what dictates the features and mechanics included in the game then you can take your game and get out of my face.
It's better to decide what mechanics your game is going to have whether they are good or actually add something worthwhile to the games experience.
People will always complain because of various reasons but "controversial" content can be solved by falling on deaf ears.
If they want to protect their investment, they should just make better games, or find someone who can.
Civ was unique. Civ2 improved everything. Civ3 was fun to play. Civ4 is mindblowing all the way to TBS. Then, Civ5.
Everything about SMAC was interesting: the overarching story, the deep flavor from Frank Herbert's
The Jesus Incident, the factions, the diplomacy, the freefom at unit design (yes, you could build submarine carriers).
Then, Beyond Earth, feels like broiler chicken that someone left boiling in plain water for a couple of hours. At RPS they called it "a digital shrug". Maybe.
Then Firaxis goes and cowardly decides to cater to the crackpots, ignorami, trolls, noisemakers and the crew that take tbeir news from Russian bots. O-kay, people, call when you remember how to make good games. Games that pose interesting options and that never let the question arise: "Why am I playing this?"