xckx: I was thinking of a way to change how I give out bigger titles. I would keep it the same for small/shittier games, but when I give out a South Park, Wasteland 2, Final Fantasy XIII etc, I might do something like the First 10 people to say i want it are put into a draw and I will pick a random name from those 10 people.
Its certainly not my place to tell you how to giveaway games in your thread because ultimately it is your decision. But, I agree with this and Cyberevil's suggestion so in that regard atleast for big game drops you could also incorporate a general forum activity rule like the rule#3 of the
TBBBBoB giveaway. The reason I am suggesting this is because there are some names you only see here that are no where to be found on the rest of the forum, which only pop up in this giveaway thread every now and then as was the case with the now defunct original Ninja giveaway thread.
Again these are just merely suggestions that could help you to distribute the games that you giveaway to more then a few that only visit this thread. Similar to how you did during the Summer Sale and the recent GOG Birthday Promo so the decision is yours to gift games to whoever you wish. Regardless of however you giveaway all of the wonderful games I would once again like to say that none of the games you giveaway would classify as crap even if some are better then others, all of them are really appreciated and as is your limitless generosity so +rep as always xckx. :)