Tell me about your game, and why I should care? Why should GOG care? What makes it unique, worth selling?
The KS trailer is completely useless, as it looks like every other popscare simulator I've ever seen.
I've seen a few. Also, I'm going to get a bit English teacher on you, but the phrase you have on your page, "you shouldn't scare of darkness, it is the light you should be scare of." is grammatically faulty.
A better way to have written it, would have been akin to "You shouldn't be scared of darkness. It is the light you should be scared of." Which is just a generic phrase you could see in any broody game.
I realize, your team is deaf. Several minutes after the fact, taking a moment to peruse the FAQ. This is not something that I should have to find out afterwards. (It should be presented up front.) Games, especially horror, live or die on their audio mixing. Without the use of say a bone conducting hearing aid or other such specialized tools, how would you even be able to tell that it sounds like what is envisioned?