drmike: Someone please double check me to see if I missed anyone:
Gede - Braid
vidsgame - Shadow Man
Cavalary - Mount & Blade
xalegra - TBD
Gerin - Rage of Mages
hummer010 - Spellcasting 1-3
greeklover - Age of Decadence
PMPMGamer - Unreal Tournament GOTY
Falci - Shardlight Special Edition
kizuxtheo - KOTOR1
BenKii - TBD
Seems right, just that I was applying for M&B: Warband (have the basic version since it was free), not sure whether you just wrote it shorter or missed it. Some more people sharing stories and not saying not in, but as you say, if they didn't specify at least that they're in, not to mention a game, assuming they're not.