Posted December 08, 2016
Madshaker: Was wondering why it never goes on the sales been waiting on it for a while now ,
i have the goty on cd but hate swaping cds to play it all the time, love to get the gog version,
hate to pay same price again for it like i did years back, i been geting gog versions of all my cd games
so i can let them collect dust.
Gog please place it on sale and also when are you geting oblivion cause i got both the orignal disc and goty
versions on cd and would love to also use gog versions instead so them cds can also retire :)
If i could i buy the gog team a pizza for all the love they show old games and us gamers i would :)
It was on sale not too long ago because I was in the same position and waited for a sale to get it. I've had my goty edition for about fourteen years. To be honest, my entire collection of games are in perfect condition and I was able to get most of them on GoG already. I think my most prized old games are Xcom terror from the deep (floppy disc), tie fighter (floppy), and the original Warcraft orcs and humans. Unfortunately when I was much younger I didn't think a game would ever be unobtainable, so I did get rid of my entire MechWarrior 2 collection with all expansions and the mercenaries standalone =( i have the goty on cd but hate swaping cds to play it all the time, love to get the gog version,
hate to pay same price again for it like i did years back, i been geting gog versions of all my cd games
so i can let them collect dust.
Gog please place it on sale and also when are you geting oblivion cause i got both the orignal disc and goty
versions on cd and would love to also use gog versions instead so them cds can also retire :)
If i could i buy the gog team a pizza for all the love they show old games and us gamers i would :)
Hopefully GoG will obtain the right to sell MechWarrior at some point and the rest of the age of pirates series (including pirates of the Caribbean).