I'm positively supporting this and have been waiting for this as well. Thank you GOG!
Don't see any reason to remove the plus button as well. Of course, one can also have groups of like-minded constantly patting themselves no matter what they say (love the analogy with a vampire-coven where the inhabitants are feeding off of each other), however, that is a far, far, far less of a problem as abusing the plus sign isn't by nature a negative reinforcement.
Besides, one can just remove the knot between the rep number and the forum all together so there is zero gain in doing so and instead just have a rep number/points based on purchases and reviews only (one of the biggest computer hardware companies in Norway, komplett.no, has a simple tiered point system where the more you purchase the more you get access to lower and better prices).
And as to "hide" or "removing" unwanted posts? Well, we now thankfully have an official spam report thread, and the rest can people individually hide/ignore for themselves if they don't like what he/she writes. I think with this we're back to how it should be, just like the rest of our society. And yes, adding a "report post"-button will just be like going back to square one again. On Steam people needs to write why they want to report the post, and abusing that results in a ban. Or add in a non-google "gotcha"-type window. Doesn't matter, as long as it's an added hinder for the one that reports so one lessens the amount of abuse there.
Though, I'm reading with concern how some people are more and more getting fascistic towards people they don't like, or see opinions clash with, and deliberately wants to "silence" them. Like they don't see the difference here. Worse is, they want a centralized system in place to do it for them instead of just personally ignore them and/or go somewhere else...
Post edited July 16, 2022 by sanscript