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If you love solving puzzles and taking part in unforgettable adventures, this Midweek Sale on GOG.COM will definitely grab your attention. It features fun point ‘n’ click games up to 90% off. Here are some of them:

Anna's Quest (-90%) is an adventure game full of ironic sense of humor. Join Anna on her bizarre journey full of strange creatures and annoying adults.

Deponia (-90%) is a fast-paced comedy of errors featuring Rufus and Goal, one of the most unusual pairs in the history of point ‘n’ games.

Whispers of a Machine (-60%) is a sci-fi noir game that tells the story of Vera, a cybernetically augmented special agent tasked with investigating a string of murders.

Also, be sure to check out our Special Sale featuring classic Sierra titles. Both Midweek Sale and Sierra games Special Sale end on 25th April, 1 PM UTC.
No love for point & clicks? I doubt that, but 4 hours and not a single comment... Well, let me fill some of that empty space; I recommend Technobabylon, which is a fantastic adventure that i believe every cyberpunk fan will enjoy.
Anna's Quest looks pretty fine as well.
Primordia and Shardlight are pretty nice as well.
For someone who isn't into this genre, how are King's Quest 7 and 8? (Particularly interested in 8, as it appears to stray far from the adventure game genre.)