Gilozard: Straight male developers typically do not face death and rape threats. Female and gay developers typically do. Straight male developers do typically face criticism of their work. Female and gay developers typically face attacks on them personally and nobody pays attention to their actual work. This is a problem.
They're making games that quite a few people want to play, but there's some segment of gamers who apparently froth at the mouth when they see a game that they personally don't like? I don't understand it, but I've run into it at conventions and in forums. It's not every gamer by any means. But there's enough that something needs to be done because this crap is not OK.
You clearly do not know what you are talking about and are greatly generalizing. Greenlight devs are routinely "harassed" if you think people saying their game sucks is considered "harassment". Sex and gender immaterial to the discussion.
Funny you speak about Depression Quest where Zoe Quinn was not issued death threats when her game was put up on Greenlight the first time, but a fair number of people said the game sucked. To which, she "rage-quit" Greenlight and cried about how people were sexist. Not that her "game" is 5 minutes long and seems like it could have been written in a weekend for a high school computer class.
Frankly, your argument is bad. People pay attention to the games when they are actually good. The problem is that the most vocal of female or trans developers who are complaining, aren't making good games. They instead want to blame society for the lack of recognition when in fact their games just aren't up to snuff.