Posted November 22, 2015
high rated

Version 6.4.0 has been released with the following features:
* Began collecting information from a new source, GOG mixes, into a category I have dubbed "Gogmixopedia"
* The first GOG mix to be added is Grargar's "List of GOG games using DOSBox" [suggested by pablodusk]
*** Note: If you know of other GOG mixes containing useful information, please let me know.

In the first case, I recommend gamefood's "There is even a demo!" gogmix, which is a comprehensive list of games on gog that have demos available so that people can try before they buy. And there's also Gog games without manuals-where to find them, but it might not be as useful, as it mostly links to walkthroughs instead...
In the second case, you might also like my own *shameless product placement, I know* Games that feature Greece/are inspired by Greece and Games involving a computer interface.
Surely there are many other useful gogmixes, but these are what I recalled from the top of my head-if I recall more I'll let you know...
P.S. Before I forget-the initiative to include Gogmixes in Magog is a really great one! Also, it reminds me why, while I was aware of the biblical connotations (but I didn't care, as I vastly prefer the New Testament over the old), I didn't mind Magog being called like that - it isn't as much Magog as in the biblical thingy for me, but "Ma Gog" -"my gog" in french (I'm versed in french, so I know that this would make gog a female, but this is a poetic license so it's all right)-as in "Gog, customized to my-and everybody else's- own needs"! So, in that sense, Magog is a very fitting name for this very customizable search engine...
And I really like your French etymology.