Ozimandeus: [...]
Gaming and Games are commodities that companies and countries make money from. Would you buy a game if it was made by a developer who funded Hamas? or the Taliban? or Israel?[...]
No, and I wouldn’t, for several reasons.
Firstly, when a game is made by groups like these, they are generally poorly made, as they tend to have overt political messages and are often developed by people who lack skill in game design. These are essentially propaganda games.
Secondly, I have played and enjoyed games made in Israel, for example, Grime is quite good, and the classic Jane's flight simulators were developed by an Israeli studio. I believe that cutting yourself off from great art and history due to politics not only limits your own understanding of your hobby but also harms artists in those countries who are simply trying to survive and create their work. I am glad i have not exluded myself from games like these.
Thirdly, where do you draw the line? Are we supposed to have 'stamps' only for politics you agree with? What about 'stamps' for my politics? What about 'stamps' for an Israeli gamer? In the end, you either end up with a system that favors a specific political viewpoint or one that tries to encompass everything - which ultimately makes it meaningless.
(And after all, GOG is a store, and it is not in their interest to exlude groups of gamers)