patrikc: Played the PS4 version and while enjoyable for the most part, I also found it grindy at times. Stopped after a while, way past the main campaign, but overall I had fun.
Regarding your OP, I'd say wait. Play whatever you have, I'm sure you will get better deals on the mentioned games in the future.
Zimerius: I bought the complete edition on epic when it was going on a sale. After around 30 hours i found to much similarities in what i was doing which was actually a shame since i did enjoy the game both story wise and quest wise. Combat, both land and sea actually became boring pretty quick, and especially when you reach the point where you are able to jump down 5 meter walls, i know it is part of your ascension into demigodhood, still ....
Of the recent ones, AC origins was pretty good, had a pretty good variety. Odyssey was a step backward I found though. Lacked the variety and the map areas felt cut and paste. Ending was rubbish on that too. The extra content fleshed it out a bit. Am playing Valhalla at the moment, that has a bit more variety and doesn’t feel as cut and paste.
One of the really big annoyances with ubi games is: the animus part, why they have to push the modern day and simulation rubbish, it just kills immersion. Then the copy paste of collectibles (mostly in older games such as chests, animus fragments), I mean how can,pirates have been short on cash with a chest on every island, or ponder ears in poverty with a chest on every alley! Ship combat on origins was nearly non existent, and whilst there was more in odyssey it really never got going. Black sail is still the masterpiece in terms of story and ships (and music leave her Johnny leave her...)
Oh, on topic, control was ok, found it boring in places and average in others but overall ok. Wouldn’t play again. HZD had nothing like the interest of the AC open worlds, and was a party political broadcast from the left. Could have been good, but wasn’t.