thiagott: My point is: focusing on a short sound or small picture of a game or movie may not be enough to identify a unique instance.
OldFatGuy: Yeah, but this is different. I mean I get small snippets of sound effects are "canned" and reused, but this is a specific sound... sequence I guess. It's not something highly repeated which is why hearing it sets off such a reaction.
Yesterday when I posted I couldn't remember the name of the company. It had been over a month or so when I had it happen the last time and I remember immediately pausing the movie and looking up the company, but yesterday when I posted I couldn't remember it. Now I remember it. It was Grindstone.
I looked it up (again just now actually) and again I could only find references to them producing movies, and a long list of those, but I couldn't find any mention of video games.
If you watch a movie where Grindstone is involved, and they show their intro/logo with about a 30 second sound effect that ends in a real "bassy" sound that literally makes your subwoofer vibrate. I know, I just KNOW, I used to play a game with that same opening sound sequence. Or maybe it's just something very similar. I've tried about a dozen of my old games to see. I keep thinking it might've been Disciples or Arcanum. But man it just feels like I played a game years ago with that exact same sound sequence ending with that same exact deep base that used to make my spine tremble. But I don't remember what it was.
I would need to hear a soundbyte (I looked up some, but not sure if I am hearing the same ones you are), but grindstone is owned by lionsgate, and they DO have a video game division, however, it is a newish one (2014, so depending on what you mean by years ago, don't know if this could be something you remember).
I know how you feel, I got another 'game flashback' last night that I barely have enough to even describe. Basically, green fields, isometric, castle/ruined building. I doubt I would even *recognize* the name of whatever game that was...
I also have a piece of music I found on a random website like in the very early 2000s that I love, sounds soooo familiar but have no clue what the name is, and have not been able to find the name.
thiagott: Hello again. I must mention that I really appreciated discovering the scenario of Dark Suns, I believe I would not play enough to get so far myself.
My point is: focusing on a short sound or small picture of a game or movie may not be enough to identify a unique instance.
Yeah, Most of the time I just give it up as lost causes because either I will remember more, or just forget about it until the next time nostalgia comes calling with a 'Remember THIS?!?!??' hammer. This one is unusually persistent and elusive.
JunglePredator: Like I expected the Pools Of Radiance to be mentioned but I figured it wouldn't be that easy... there's also the sequel Pools Of Darkness but I doubt it's the one.
Leroux: There are two different games called Pool of Radiance. The 1988 predecessor of Pools of Darkness (1991) is much too old to fit and not isometric. What was suggested was
this one from 2001 instead.
CatherineBr: I just cannot remember the names of the modules (and these were with the disc set of Neverwinter nights), so can't look up anything.
The one I remember best is where you start in a school and there is a paladin that is upet because she failed a test about goblin children and saving them. I think it started out in a snowy area? but you could also visit a more desert like area.
As said, I am pretty sure this isn't it, because NWN graphics doesn't seem to fit what I remember.
Leroux: I've played a lot of NWN and know the tilesets in and out, plus may of the custom modules, and yeah, I can't imagine anything like you describe being reminiscent of a NWN module. That being said, the NWN module you remember best is Shadows of Undrentide, the first expansion.
I have played the original Pools of Radiance (think I might have the books floating around somewhere as well, or at least another set of books that I also have the video games) and knew that wasn't it. I, however, have not played second one, though it looks very very interesting. So, I Know that wouldn't be it.
Thanks also about the NWN. So it is Shadows of Undrentide? It just didn't sound familiar to me. But that is my memory for you :P The module I remember best is actually the original campaign, but that is why I knew it wasn't that one.
This is looking more and more like it is just going to remain a mystery.