Posted November 23, 2012
From what I can tell, every single one of the games on the front page worked for me without ever doing a first time install from Steam. Which is good because I wouldn't consider a game that still needs Steam to run for the first time to truly be Steam free.
Kristian: The reason for my posts was because I was afraid that people were gonna be misled by this thread into thinking some games are DRM free which may not be. The list you link there is awesome, but not infallible it gets changes every once in a while. I am just urging caution so that people don't get burned by well hidden, unknown or undiscovered DRM.
I have seen people in this thread stating that games are DRM free because it worked for them to copy them out of the Steam folder. That is far from sufficient to make such as determination. That could work on say a game requiring a constant connection to the internet. Shouldn't we require some pretty solid proof before stating that games on Steam are DRM free? How exactly would one get 'burned' in this case? By attempting to run a game and getting an error? Big deal... Anyways all of the games on the front page work WITHOUT Steam, WITHOUT an internet connection, and WITHOUT additional DRM features. That, my friend, is the very definition of 'digital rights management' free. They are DRM free. Really. They are. I promise it's okay. The Steam police aren't going to show up at your door. I would urge you to try out the games you own from that list for yourself. There's no harm in double checking.

I have seen people in this thread stating that games are DRM free because it worked for them to copy them out of the Steam folder. That is far from sufficient to make such as determination. That could work on say a game requiring a constant connection to the internet. Shouldn't we require some pretty solid proof before stating that games on Steam are DRM free?