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Using the following to eliminate other language downloads

--exclude bl,dl,l

in Witcher 3 GOTY the following keep coming


How do we stop all languages except for default (i.e. English)
zahroc: Using the following to eliminate other language downloads

--exclude bl,dl,l

in Witcher 3 GOTY the following keep coming


How do we stop all languages except for default (i.e. English)
Those files are listed as extras in API response and thus can't be excluded with language pack exclusion option.
Additionally extras don't have language value set in API responses so lgogdownloader assumes all extras are English language and thus you can't filter them based on language.

The only way to filter them is using blacklist.
Something like this

Rp .*/extras/.*_(de_|german).*.zip
however because that is quite generic it might blacklist some normal extras that you might want from a different game.
Making it more game specific is probably a better idea

Rp .*the_witcher.*/extras/.*_(de_|german).*.zip
Post edited March 10, 2024 by Sude
zahroc: Using the following to eliminate other language downloads

--exclude bl,dl,l

in Witcher 3 GOTY the following keep coming


How do we stop all languages except for default (i.e. English)
Sude: Those files are listed as extras in API response and thus can't be excluded with language pack exclusion option.
Additionally extras don't have language value set in API responses so lgogdownloader assumes all extras are English language and thus you can't filter them based on language.

The only way to filter them is using blacklist.
Something like this

Rp .*/extras/.*_(de_|german).*.zip
Sude: however because that is quite generic it might blacklist some normal extras that you might want from a different game.
Making it more game specific is probably a better idea

Rp .*the_witcher.*/extras/.*_(de_|german).*.zip
Thank you. I will give it a try!
I am just looking for a batch installer with a simple GUI for Windows, does that even exist?

Because Galaxy isn't it. It doesn't batch download games and it doesn't even check to see if your current version of the installer in the folder is updated or not, it just downloads it all over again and overwrites it. And with 300+ games, downloading them all individually will suck, let alone checking for if they get updated.

I came across GoGCLI and a GUI for that which mostly works and while it only downloads 15-20 games at a time which would be enough, I noticed with Fallout 4 that it wouldn't detect one of the main install files no matter how many times I refreshed so I would be gambling if I got the installer or not without manually auditing each installer afterward. Never checked to see if could could detect an update or not yet.

Is there any batch downloader that fits what I am looking for?
Post edited March 18, 2024 by Fuguss
Fuguss: I am just looking for a batch installer with a simple GUI for Windows, does that even exist?
I don’t think a thread about a CLI downloader for Linux is the best place to ask about a GUI downloader for Windows ;)
vv221: I don’t think a thread about a CLI downloader for Linux is the best place to ask about a GUI downloader for Windows ;)
I know it isn't an appropriate place to put it but it seemed like the best place since it does the function I am wanting and is active while looking for others ends up just going back to this or 1 other command line app in python or the one I found which doesn't do a full batch but does a few at a time but misses files.

So, seemed like the best place to put it.
Can you please release a new tag? A bunch of useful features accumulated that I now need to patch Debian build manually with :)

At this point, I went ahead and just started a virtual machine with Linux and setup a system share to the external drive and going to go that route.

Couldn't figure out how to get it to work directly from the github but got it from

Which appears to work, no clue how to update it though unless maybe I have to remember those CLI commands every time I want to update.

My only real request in a future update (Other than a GUI for people like me who suck at CLI) would be the ability to have their directories named after their title names and not their slug names.

Bonus, I have been wanting to learn Linux some, so learning Ubuntu some. Can't really put it on my PC directly as I have kids who want to use my PC to play Fortnite sometimes or ask me to play with them (Really they just want to slaughter me at it).

Test run went fine, but waiting to go for the full one when can watch it better and know 100% sure I have the settings correct before I pull over a TB from the GoG servers like that.
Post edited April 12, 2024 by Fuguss

Is it possible to download older versions of the games as it is possible with Galaxy?
Well, I updated brew. Now I get this when running the tool. :(

dyld[45853]: Symbol not found: __ZN5boost10filesystem6detail28directory_iterator_constructERNS0_18directory_iteratorERKNS0_4pathEjPNS1_25dire ctory_iterator_paramsEPNS_6system10error_codeE
Referenced from: <2409D999-9396-3982-BD41-AA34D44C846C> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/lgogdownloader/3.12_2/bin/lgogdownloader
Expected in: <B1D1C4ED-C73D-388C-ACB5-5A10ABEDF634> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/boost/1.85.0/lib/libboost_filesystem-mt.dylib
dyld[45854]: Symbol not found: __ZN5boost10filesystem6detail28directory_iterator_constructERNS0_18directory_iteratorERKNS0_4pathEjPNS1_25dire ctory_iterator_paramsEPNS_6system10error_codeE
Referenced from: <2409D999-9396-3982-BD41-AA34D44C846C> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/lgogdownloader/3.12_2/bin/lgogdownloader
Expected in: <B1D1C4ED-C73D-388C-ACB5-5A10ABEDF634> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/boost/1.85.0/lib/libboost_filesystem-mt.dylib

I tried installing boost@1.76 which is the only other version available to brew and then got similar error:

dyld[46684]: Symbol not found: __ZN5boost10filesystem6detail11dir_itr_impD1Ev
Referenced from: <2409D999-9396-3982-BD41-AA34D44C846C> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/lgogdownloader/3.12_2/bin/lgogdownloader
Expected in: <D1764E11-38EE-3873-BA0D-88C77E74139C> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/boost@1.76/1.76.0_5/lib/libboost_filesystem-mt.dylib
dyld[46685]: Symbol not found: __ZN5boost10filesystem6detail11dir_itr_impD1Ev
Referenced from: <2409D999-9396-3982-BD41-AA34D44C846C> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/lgogdownloader/3.12_2/bin/lgogdownloader
Expected in: <D1764E11-38EE-3873-BA0D-88C77E74139C> /opt/homebrew/Cellar/boost@1.76/1.76.0_5/lib/libboost_filesystem-mt.dylib

I see there has been no update to lgogdownloader since October 2023.

I know I could uninstall and try building from source against the latest version of boost but I don't understand why no-one else has reported this breaking change.
g4r37h: (…) I don't understand why no-one else has reported this breaking change.
I guess there are not that many people using Homebrew + LGOGDownloader, especially as Galaxy is available for MacOS.
So... can Galaxy archive someone's game collection now? I don't want to actually install any of my GOG games on this Mac that I'm currently using - I just use it to maintain my library on my NAS. My gaming is done on a separate Windows machine.

If Galaxy can maintain my library on my NAS and keep it up-to-date then yeah, I'd be happy to switch!


Hmm, no, from what I've just been reading it seems all Galaxy can do is install games from my library onto my computer: which is why I turned to lgogdownloader in the first place.

lgogdownloader (when it worked) allows me to keep an up-to-date backup of my entire library on my NAS just by running a single command. It's awesome.

It looks like I'm gonna need to get this working again.


It's working again. For anyone else who finds themselves in the same boat:

Download the source for 1.84.0 from
Extract and cd into the dir.
Enter the following commands:

./ --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.84.0
./b2 threadapi=pthread threading=multi address-model=64 --layout=tagged --build-type=complete install

You might need to create symlinks for the *-mt libs to link to the architecture-specific implementations. I'm on Apple silicon so I needed links to the "a64" variants i.e.:

cd /opt/homebrew/Cellar/boost/1.84.0/lib
ln -s libboost_filesystem-mt-a64.dylib libboost_filesystem-mt.dylib

Keep doing this for each of the libs that lgogdownloader complains that it cannot find and eventually you'll stop getting such errors and might instead get an rpath error. That was resolved by adding the missing path to rpath:

install_name_tool -add_rpath /opt/homebrew/Cellar/boost/1.84.0/lib /opt/homebrew/Cellar/boost/1.84.0/lib/libboost_filesystem-mt-a64.dylib

And now the tool is working once more and is in the process of synching the latest files from my entire library to my NAS. :)

Getting game names (15/15) 43 / 43
Getting game info 1257 / 1443
Post edited May 07, 2024 by g4r37h
Hi all,
I've got a not-that-small sized library and I want to keep it up-to-date so I am using `lgogdownloader --repair --download`.
According to documentation, `Use --repair --download to redownload files when filesizes don't match`, this is exactly what I need, BUT it does not only checks filesizes but also checks the hashes. So my cron-job needs round about 6-8 h to complete even if nothing new is downloaded.
I attach my config to this post.
Do any of you see a problem in my config or is this a known issue?
shmerl: Can you please release a new tag? A bunch of useful features accumulated that I now need to patch Debian build manually with :)

I'll probably do a new release sometime next week.
I removed htmlcxx dependency and replaced html parsing with libtidy and tinyxml2 a few days ago so I'll wait a while to see if any new issues come up due to that before making a release.

deluxequadrat: Hi all,
I've got a not-that-small sized library and I want to keep it up-to-date so I am using `lgogdownloader --repair --download`.
According to documentation, `Use --repair --download to redownload files when filesizes don't match`, this is exactly what I need, BUT it does not only checks filesizes but also checks the hashes. So my cron-job needs round about 6-8 h to complete even if nothing new is downloaded.
I attach my config to this post.
Do any of you see a problem in my config or is this a known issue?
It used to be that the downloader couldn't differentiate between different versions of local and remote file if they had the same filename and id.
Usually they were caused by silent updates where GOG replaced the file with newer version but didn't change the name or mark the file updated.
At the time --repair --download was a workaround to detect these by forcing a hash check.
However --download was changed to work with those silent updates at some point.
Therefore you should just use --download when wanting to keep your library updated.
I guess the help text for --repair could use an update to be more clear what using --download with it does.

Repair mode always checks hashes because it's the only way to be sure whether a file needs repairing or not.
You probably want to use --repair only when checking your library integrity.
I use --repair (or --repair --download) once every few months just to make sure bitrot hasn't occured.
Thanks for the clarification! And for the great tool, of course! ;-)