I guess it won't hurt to reply to some fine notions and answer some questions...
deja65: As we Serbs would say, “to Branjo legendo” ;). Cheers
Keepin' it true, bro! Always! ;)
UnrelatedComa: is it fun or weird having a b-day so close to Valentines day?
Neither, my friend.
Not that yours truly haven't mingled with the opposite sex in the past, but relationships flow&timing was such that I indeed spent about 94% of previous Valentines days as a single el duderino.
Not complaining about that either, those 6% weren't fun at all if I recall correctly.
GameRager: Praise Jebus. ;)
Mr.Mumbles: Darn. I knew I shouldn't have bought those other 1,000 games. =P
You live and learn, my pal. You live and learn. ;)
LootHunter: Jebus on a bicycle!
Not during winter time, my Slav friend. You know ice, snow and stuff...stay on the safe side.