Gersen: You can run the game without using the client therefore said is optional, you can uninstall the client and still run the game. Is it the most practical thing for those who don't want to use the client ? of course not, but does it makes the client any less optional ? no.
I think it's more of the principle of the thing than the technical term.
If I lock you in a cell and tell you that if you scratch through a patch of dirt in the north wall, it'll bring forth a ray of light which will hit a brick in the cell, and if you count 36 bricks up, 12 left, and 14 right from that brick, then take two steps backwards, spin around, and jab your finger straight out, you'll find a loose brick behind which is a complicated disco guide, which, if you manage to flawlessly perform while dancing to ABBA's "Dancing Queen" in your head, will cause just enough pressure in just the right places on the ground to open a secret panel that contains the key to your cell, can I say you're a free man?
After all, you can leave anytime you like, just follow the instructions above. You're not
really trapped. You staying in your cell is completely optional.