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Просто хотів подякувати команді GOG за офіційну українську мову в програмі і за послідовну підтримку української ігрової спільноти. Ви кращі ☺ ♥ ♥ ♥.
Всі хто вже встиг оцінити новий інтерфейс - приєднуйтесь )
I just wanted to thank the GOG team for the official Ukrainian language in the program and for the consistent support of the Ukrainian gaming community. You are breathtaking ☺ ♥ ♥ ♥.
Everyone who has already managed to evaluate the new interface, join)
Thank you to the GOG team for paying attention to our modest community. The language of the client interface and the festival with our developers is an important step and we appreciate it. In the future, I also hope for the translation of the site and the regional currency for our region.
traintois: Thank you to the GOG team for paying attention to our modest community. The language of the client interface and the festival with our developers is an important step and we appreciate it. In the future, I also hope for the translation of the site and the regional currency for our region.