Breja: I sometimes have this image of the GOG staff banging their heads on the walls of the office, muttering "why did we ever call it that? People are never going to let that fucking name go!"
I don't know.. I always thought it was a great name and while they began to diversify into indies and at least the occasional AAA game, all games eventually turns old and given it's a technological medium that is changing, games grow old fast so essentially I see GOG more of a commercialized archive for games.
blotunga: We just got Arcania and Fall of Setarrif. Can't be worse...
As someone who never liked the Gothic games to begin with I wouldn't have high expectations and I thought Sacred 1+2 were one of the best ARPG out there. Sacred 3 and Citadel are the worst kind of cash-grab arcady, hyped-with-no-substance games I've seen in a while. Granted, I watched early gameplay footage before I played either so it's not like I was
that disappointed.
That said, it's interesting that they acquired those games and when you look at reviews people aren't very positive about them. Didn't GOG design some market research before acquiring them or did they just grab them because the deal was cheap and they hoped to sell at least a few copies? If it's the former, they lack marketing staff and if it's the latter it seems they've entered a tough area to get out of. Less and less classics are going to be available as they acquire the good ones, only the hard ones are going to be stuck in legal limbo which will likely be too expensive to bother with unless there are no other (very) old games left.