richlind33: So science is fallible....when you disagree with it? lol
GameRager: How/where did I say that? I assumed you were trying to state that objective reality isn't a thing and I was trying to provide a counter to that....if I am wrong on your intentions/stances then please inform me so I can avoid making a fool of myself, as it were, and arguing when I might not need to.
richlind33: Science is definitely fallible, but bias *can* be corrected for if people are of a mind to do so; which brings us to your efforts to extrapolate into absurdity something that really isn't arguable. Exceptions do not disprove rules -- least of all ones that attempt to establish absolute thresholds.
GameRager: So are you saying by this that an objective reality exists or not?
Objective reality implies something that exists independently of perception, which is, by definition, subjective.
We can train people to be observant, but that is not something that is encouraged among the masses. Quite the opposite, in fact; ordinary folk are taught to be passive and obediant. Prussian "idealism". o.O