paladin181: With Windows 11, this has been eliminated. There are many new "features" such as requiring "security" hardware that can brick your system if you try to access it without going through your approved Windows install. It's actually quite an annoyance the level of DRM Windows is trying to incorporate into their system, until it is a subscription-only service like Office.
Still early days for me with Windows 11, but one of the first things I did was turn BitLocker off, and I guess I will need to tweak other things. I haven't played any games on Windows 11 yet, but I guess it will be much the same as before, install and play, and I will be able to do that for years, like I always have.
Yes, Microsoft are a pain, and doubling down on DRM, and I hate DRM, but an OS is only a means to an end, and once set right, you really shouldn't need to bother much with it again, except for driver updates and compatibility issues with new games, but that is par for the course, regardless of OS.
So I just don't see enough of a link between OS DRM and Game DRM. Be different if you needed to always be online to use Windows. So like many, my OS is only important when it comes to game support, any DRM it has is quite a non issue for games, DRM-Free games is the important bit.
In an ideal world, Linux would be even better than Windows and all games would be supported out-of-the-box. But that isn't going to happen any time soon, and maybe never. Until Linux has a bigger slice of the gamer count, GOG will just realistically stick to where the profits are. To support sooner than that likely means a financial loss, as infrastructure and skilled personnel will be required. I'm sure GOG have crunched the numbers and not found it viable yet. At least GOG do provide Linux versions of games where they can (are allowed etc).
P.S. My old Win XP laptop is still going fine, never had to reinstall Windows on it, and I haven't connected to the web with it for years. Similar with my Win 7 Netbook, though I don't play games on that, and it does regularly connect to the web. My Win 8.1 laptop, which dual boots with Win 10, likewise has never needed a re-install.
P.S.S. Hopefully in several years time I can migrate to Linux, and just use that in my final years. And with any luck the situation will have improved a lot with Linux by then. Right now I am just not ready to retire from Windows use.