Emachine9643: Product Name- Bros Coffee
Tag line- Coffee for Bros
Sales pitch to investors- Extremely cheap coffee marketed to guys at a ridiculous price. The packaging will consist of "manly or bro" things like pictures of men from the 1920's with long mustaches, lifting weights or the modern man assembling an IKEA furniture set. Of course once this product hits the shelfs and becomes popular there will be a back lash from women for being sexist but I have that covered because that is also part of the marketing strategy. Once that happens this company will issue an "apology" and two weeks later after a management "shake up" we will unleash....
Gals Coffee! Which will resemble the same packaging idea from Bros Coffee but for women. There by cornering the market for both bros and gals IRL, no more Starbucks vs Dunkin and how those two franchises show the economic disparate of there customer base. We will create a rift between the sexes and then rejoin them and afterwards they will forget about our competition.
Note- What do you guys think?
Maybe we should ask the government, because they are most talented at it.
How can government - and government workers - benefit from having to exist within a society of people who seem to be quite happy and at peace with each other?
On what grounds can the government say to the people, "You need more government. Give us more tax money."
Well, clearly, in such an idyllic society, it would be very difficult indeed to persuade the people to part with more of their own resources - acquired through their own labours -
in order to fund 'more government'. To prosper the government developed outrage mechanics that are very effective in getting outrage money