jepsen1977: the list is [...] all games I really want to play someday and not just stuff I will never play anyway.
I stopped buying stuff that I will never play.
No need to keep piling on my massive backlog when I already own more than enough games now.
Yep. Same here.
I also recently started getting rid of real (
=non-digital) stuff in my house.
You know: sell, what can be sold, give away stuff to charity which won't bring money in a sale, and throwing all the rest away.
Once you start doing this, you realize, how much of the stuff you amassed over the years, is completely unnecessary.
I opened some cartons lately, which contained things that I once thought of as absolutely essential for my wellbeing...but with which I had no problem, to stow them away in the cellar and attic for the last 10 to 15 years (
some items even longer!), without even recalling, that I own them.
The sheer madness.