Vendor-Lazarus: Where is the logic in allowing political posts/promo's/bundles/sales/etc, then removing, banning or locking the obvious discussion that follows?
Corporations never stopped virtue signalling.
Anothername: Stay with fictional politics; thats more fun & not against any rules :P (... I hope; gog became really weird in the last few years).
This is one of those things that sounds good on paper only.
Linko64: It's not a easy topic to mod, but it would make more sense to simply lock the post and keep the OP post there, rather than two posts that offer no context post-modding!
This is the thing: GOG is not equipped to handle what they're trying to pull off. Obviously, the idea behind forums is to allow a community to help take work load off support staff, to help create brand loyalty via "we're a family," as well as heading off bad reviews to a place under their control. The problem is, this comes at a huge cost, as well as many of their policies regarding curation and community standards. The thing is, GOG is signing up for this. From a fundamental point of view i cannot view GOG's code of conduct as anything short of hypocrisy. I don't need to see these threads to see that GOG has these games here, creates a community, then tries to silence certain topics. Then, on top of that, i can see all the threads and things that suddenly are allowed.
Don't get me wrong: i totally get that GOG is not where one would come for politics, normally, but the idea that it's not the place for it is fundamentally flawed. GOG and the community needs to deal with the realization that just because they agree with a certain stance or topic doesn't mean it's apolitical. I've beat my arguments to death on why something as simple as the choice of toppings on your pizza is political, but i've learned that most people on either side aren't interested in logic, reason, and evidence (to the degree that they'll go straight to ad hominem instead of staying on the argument and it's often projection).
And the thing is, outside of the politics themselves i see the same manifestation in GOG's policies: I claim that GOG does not have a listing fee, only to describe their alternative as a really vague description of a listing fee ("operational costs") while stating that it's confidential (declaring that they want to make the argument that something doesn't exist because it's confidential).
Linko64: *glares at the Cyberpunk avatar*
*bites lip*
Yes, Johhny Kettlehands!
JakobFel: If anything, Cyberpunk is making a statement against our current society.
What do we call that? It couldn't possibly be politics, could it?
Linko64: By being one of the most highly marketed products in the last few years, including major brand deals with some of the largest corporations in the world. Gotcha!
Brittney Spears promoted Pepsi, but she also drank coke
JakobFel: Marketing is hardly hypercapitalism. When I use that term, I'm talking about legitimate, modern megacorps, not specifically all companies that are larger than small businesses.
They're all playing the same game. Once a corporation goes public it's part of the system. The corporate system is part of the problem, and I do agree it's not hypercapitalism, though, because it's anti-capitalist.
JakobFel: Again, marketing and merchandising is way different from the perspective I hold. There's a significant difference between making a profit and exploiting everyone and everything to milk your products dry.
Linko64: Well, I hope someday we run into each other in some form. Genuinely interested in your view of how Cyberpunk making a statement against our current society. I feel like your overlooking stuff mainly because you like it. Devoted allegiance to brands has always plucked my curiosity!
It's actually well documented why this happens if you're that curious. It is mostly to do with this thing called "worldview."
JakobFel: The tinges of sarcasm make me wonder if any of that statement is genuine but yeah, I won't explain some of the reasons here because it definitely would delve into political territory lol
Linko64: Far from it, I tend to have a lot of these interactions with people on my Discord or Twitch. I don't see you or your view as any less than anyone elses. I'm just very curious to how people have differing views based on their enjoyment of something!
And as you're noting, hedonism. Watch for the strong correlation between hedonism (and by this, i do mean the search for pleasure on pinrciple, not this new definition that seems to be floating around that it's simply seeking any form of pleasure) and existential nihilism (this strange fixation on the heat death of the universe in the here and now). Once you catch that, you'll find that many people just engage in sophistry, rather than logic. First comes their preferences, then logic to justify it comes after. Scientists claim this is all people, but my experience says otherwise (just that this is the dominant position in society).