pH7: If I'd say that you'd be an idiot for using the Steam service because one day they'll start charging you tens of dollars every month for keeping your savegames etc, and that you'd have no alternative other than accepting it unless you were ok with losing all the games you'd bought;
that'd be a straw man argument (even if they
could do that, without breaking any laws).
Nirth: You realize how much change would have to happen for something like that to come up on a discussion? The success of Steam is the sales and game library. If they come up with hidden charges and make the latter complicated they will lose customers real quickly.
Also, against the common argument that if Steam goes under so does all the games, I don't think it will happen like that. Since you own the license to play them they will probably have to (by law) issue some kind of universal fix that makes all games free of the Steam client and their own copy protection (I think they use some kind of encryption on their .exe, read it one a forum a few years ago but I can't confirm that). This was not targeted against you however, just a general reminder. :)
It was meant as an example of a straw man argument - e.g. not to be taken as an argument at all... ;-)
As for games on Steam becoming unavailable if Steam goes under, I think I'm more optimistic than most "Steam skeptics". As you say, you do own the license to the games, so if Steam is no more then any (forced) agreement with the Steam
service is void. Hence you'd probably be left with some DRM free games, some requiring activation against a server the (new) publisher is hosting, some utilizing other forms of DRM - and maybe a few that won't work at all (only MP, too much relying Steam infrastructure etc)
MichaelPalin: SimonG uses this argument too, but, isn't that license subject to Steam SA? Licenses don't just give you the right to use a piece of software, they give you that right under the conditions you accept when you start using it, and the conditions for Steam games are pretty draconian.
Coelocanth: I'm amazed at how many people think their Steam games would be uncoupled from the Steam client should Valve go under. If the company's in that dire a financial situation, you can bet
none of their limited resources will be put towards unlocking all the games tied to Steam.
I have a couple dozen games on Steam, but if Valve goes under, I'm quite prepared to hoist the Jolly Roger and make sure my games are still accessible and playable. Because I'm pretty sure Valve won't.
I'd expect the developers/publishers selling their games on Steam to deliever patches that'd uncouple Steam related stuff from their games if Steam goes under.