Hansell1001: So my problems dont matter for them...
pds41: I'd say that if your problems are solely that you're upset that you've got a free game in your account and that merely hiding it from view isn't enough for you, then I'd say no, it doesn't matter to them.
Think of it this way - is it better for a support technician to help someone who actually wants to play a game he purchased with his own money, or should he ignore that user and spend twenty minutes deleting a game from your account that quite frankly you can just hide and ignore?
Its NOT a free game. Its a free to play game and I dont rememer how it ended up with me in the first place.
Maybe when I joined and I clicked whatever, which according to the info was 3 years ago already but havent used nor buy a game from this site until now.
It sucks! And my problem matters!
Steam (well of course, Steam!) actually allows me to permanently delete even full paid games.
I dont like that shit counting as a game I own.
And they havent responded my ticket support, and probably they wont.
But officially they havent due to high demand if their latest email is to be believed, but its hard to believe since they are not Steam, they are not even EGS and according to the info from some of you, this is way older than EGS??!!
Anyway, it sucks!
LiefLayer: Well I think you can (and should) at least try. I sure would if I ever added that shit to my account
Just make a new support ticket
https://support.gog.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?product=gog to avoid the stupid bot you can use this userscript:
// ==UserScript==
// @name Gog Do not bother with stupid bot
// @namespace NotStupid
// @match
https://support.gog.com/hc/en-us/requests/new // @grant none
// @version 1.0
// @author LiefLayer
// @description 14/12/2022, 17:01:33
// ==/UserScript==
document.querySelector('div[data-default-form]').setAttribute('style', 'display:inline !important');
document.getElementsByClassName('row clearfix')[0].classList.remove('is-hidden');
PS. I also suggest this
and this
https://dawedhel.github.io/Barefoot-Essentials-Fork/BE.js What the hell are you doing? the problem is not reaching them. They dont respond. I just have emails saying they will answer soon but nothing.