kohlrak: 'cause i want english and linux, s well ass english, japnese, and russian versions. Next i do "download" with the same params (which are redundant, but i'm paranoid). Then you do "verify" to make sure evrerything is in line. You can ignore the 404 errors with update: those are usually just galaxy versions which got removed, but gog keeps the links, anyway, so gogrepo ends up coonfused. "Make clean" looks for files that are no longer registered, which is great if you know you're ready to get rid of old installers that aren't considered the most up to date versions, or to get rid of stray files that gogrepo doesn't manage.
MartiusR: Thanks! Oh, that's a big relief, thought thatI will need to manually download quite a lot of games later.
Ok, I'm almost ready, made proper "manifest" with parameters I wanted, but now there is one thing I'm unsure:
1.How can I "split" download? I think that it would be wiser to make download in parts, since I've got more than 1000 titles in library.
I agree, but therre's alot of things ithink would be wiser overall than some of the things it does (even talked to Kalanyr about one that causes a few different problems, but he's a bit set in his ways). The good news is, once you download all 1000 games, it'll only ever download the updates (which is kinda the point of the manifeset). If you feel the need to not do all that at once, in theory if you cancel it i'll just resume where it left off.